Metal Gear


Be sneaky… very very sneaky…

The dudes try and sneak into your subconscious and talk about some Metal Gear this week. If you’re listening via ear buds, you better watch out.

Metal Gear is a very unique experience on the NES. There isn’t another game on the system quite like it. Does that mean that it’s amazing and one of the best games to ever grace the system? Vladimir Putin might say yes, but the dudes… well they might think otherwise. Listen to find out what the NES dudes think about this game and why they are making references to Vladimir Putin in addition to Tom Arnold.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the high score. (Winner: No one.)
  • “Michael Vick” – Punch 5 dogs.
  • “Hitchhiker” – Continuously ride in the trucks.
  • “PETA” – Punch all the dogs.
  • “Miss Step” – Fall into the bottomless pit in the first base.

Game Rating

Two very sneaky snakes… the Copperhead and the Sand Boa

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Wow….. what a ride!

Just came back from dimension X where we had a great time talking to two other dudes. Those Turtle Flakes guys really know how to have a good time.

NES Dudes - Turtle Flakes Mashup

While hanging in the balance of Dimension X, we decided to spend some time talking about the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and who else is better to talk to about this game than a couple of dudes who pride themselves on turtleology. While TMNT certainly added some frustrating times during our childhood, it added many enjoyable times (except the child labor some had to endure to get the game).

Overall the game is a great play that while sometimes criticized is well remembered and accepted by many in the gaming community.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the High Score (Winner: Rob Luther).
  • “Can’t Touch This” – Kill Rocksteady by using Donatello on top of the boxes.
  • “Pizza Pizza: – Exit sewers and come back in order to get a new pizza.
  • “Sais Matters Not” – Use Raphael to defeat a boss.
  • “Splinter’s Words of Wisdom” – Hear all of Splinter’s start menu speech.
  • “Overly Supportive Side Character” – April
  • “Seaweed Sucker” – Lowest score. (Winner/Loser?: Justin Harrell).
  • “Sai (Sigh)” – Beat the game.
  • “Turtle Pancakes” – Get run over by the tank.

Game Rating

Four pizzas! One extra spicy sausage, one extra cheese, one deep dish pepperoni, and one Hawaiian.

Shout Outs!

  • Super special thanks to the Turtle Flakes guys for joining us.
  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Kyle Murphy of Insert Coin Show! Check it HERE

Download the TMNT Podcast!

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Wizards and Warriors


The moment you hit the power button, Wizards and Warriors’ epic score lets you know exactly what this game is all about. Knights… magic… swords… demons… gems… gigantic hollow trees…exploding eggs… alarm clocks? Yes, David Wise really knows how to score a game and Rare really knew how to develop them.

That’s right. Rare. The same Rare that many of you listeners will remember from the likes of Goldeneye 64, Battletoads, Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong Country, or Conker’s Bad Fur Day! The list of awesome Rare developed games goes on and on. Whole podcasts have been dedicated to them. The game at hand here, however, is Wizards and Warriors. Did Rare hit another home run?

WARNING: Contents of this episode may contain Fabio.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the High Score
  • “Canopy Kuros (Kanopy Kuros)” – Run on the tops of the trees in the first level
  • “Plinko Master” – Collect all the chests while falling down the giant bottomless (almost) pit tree.

Game Rating

Two mace. Two maces? Two meece? Two mice? (What’s the plural of mace?)

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Rob McCallum of The NES Club Documentary! Check it HERE

Download the Wizards and Warriors Podcast!

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Duck Hunt


Have you ever been duck hunting? Have you ever owned a dog that laughs at your inadequacies? Chances are, if you owned a Nintendo entertainment system (and who didn’t) you have. Sure you didn’t have to get decked out in cammo and sit in the outdoors but you got the experience, right? Duck Hunt holds a place near and dear to the hearts of NES lovers out there. For most it was the first and maybe only game that you got the experience of using the zapper.


Has there ever been a more innovative and all around more awesome attachment for a video game system than the Zapper? Uh, no. Most NES players used this attachment at some point in their playing days. Whether you used it to hunt ducks, shoot skeet, or any of the other games that utilized this gem the Zapper was an integral part in your childhood. You also can’t deny the innovative nature of this attachment, which the 2 dudes discuss (we’re technical gurus you know). Listen to the podcast as we talk about the history and all things Zapper related.

Retrofitted Trophies:

  • “Doggone Frustrated” – Try and shoot the dog 100 times.
  • “The Quack” – Get a perfect score by standing less than 1 ft from the screen.
  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – 10 perfect clay shooting scores in a row.

Download the Duck Hunt podcast!

Music Shout Outs!

For a playlist, click HERE

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That’s right! We are going to be incorporating segments into our show starting with the Duck Hunt episode! For those of you curious to know what they are, let us give you a little breakdown to get you excited:

Justin’s Historical Tidbits and Trivia

We already try and cover some history on the show, but rather than trying to cover everything (and risk being wrong), we are going to find things you might not already know and enlighten you. We might also play a little trivia.

Michael’s Quest To Find The Cart

It has been touched upon lightly on the show, but Michael will be trying to find the actual cart to play each show. For many games, this might be a quick “I’ve had it since I was a kid” moment. But for others, this might get interesting. Who knows how or where Michael will find some of the more rare games? Donations are always welcome. 🙂

Game Discussion

Obviously we will still be talking about the game. This will mostly just be the same as it has been for the last 5 episodes. However, we will try and make a stronger effort to talk about all aspects of the game (graphics, sound, story, etc.) as well as our experiences both as an adult and as a child.

Retrofitted Trophies

This segment may end up being the most fun.  Justin and Michael will each try and come up with a couple of trophies (PSN/XBOX Live style) for each game they play. We gotta retrofit these games for modern times.


We want to give these games some sort of rating or something. But don’t expect this to be a cut and dry “play this game or not” kinda scale like most podcasts do! The NES Dudes got something else up their sleeves. Be sure and tune in to find out what it is.

And… Guests!

Of course we’ll continue to pull in awesome guests like we have been. We know you guys and gals can’t live without ’em.

Stay tuned! Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Podomatic!

Final Fantasy


Final Fantasy. Every dungeon master’s dream. Reportedly under the threat of bankruptcy and out of the shadow of Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy burst on the scene as Square’s swan song. A last ditch effort to remain in the game industry.

Not only did it save Square, but it started arguably the greatest RPG franchise in video game history. It is regarded as one of the most influential and successful role-playing games on the NES and it played a major role in the popularization of the entire Role Playing Game genre. But how well does it actually play now that we have all experienced a plethora of varied RPGs?

The dudes, along with special guest Rob McCallum, have made a determination about this game. Is it best left for the history books or is this a game that needs to be played frequently to take us back to our roots? Tune in to find out.

Shout Outs!

  • Check out The NES Club Documentary HERE
  • Background music provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE

Download the Final Fantasy Podcast!

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