

The Dudes were delighted this week to have yet another real life guest on our show! They talk about one of the best NES games to come out on the system… Metroid!

This one was requested by a listener, but the Dudes have been itching to talk about it since the inception of this show. Metroid has one of the most storied histories of all the NES games. Plus, it’s a whole lot of fun to play. The music is so creepy that some might call it a survivor horror game. Inspired by Alien, it is easy to see some of the similarities between them.

Metroid is an incredible game that set the standard for a lot of games to follow it. It makes you wonder why so few Metroid games have been made while Samus is such a loved character. Guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Anyway, enjoy this episode. We know the Dudes did!

Retrofitted Trophies

  • Varia Nice” – Obtain Varia Suit
  • Suffragette” – Beat the game in under 5 hours to reveal that Samus is a girl
  • Woolly Worm Wannabe” – Get the morph ball
  • Samus the Hedgehog” – Get the screw attack
  • Justin Time” – Beat the game in under 3 hours to reveal Samus in a bathing suit
  • Misses Boombastic” – Defeat a mini boss using only bombs.
  • “Through the Glass Ceiling” – Find out Samus is a girl and break through that glass ceiling.

Game Rating

Three well placed bathing suits. A Speedo, a two piece, and a one piece. Unfortunately, no string bikini… this time.

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Nick of The Retro Junkies and the Nineties Entertainment Show! Check it HERE
  • Check out Matt’s team Graphite Lab and their game Hive Jump HERE!

Download the Metroid Podcast!

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A Boy and His Blob


The 2 Dudes really out do themselves on this one. They actually have a real live guest who is very accommodating, unlike that nutty Mario. David Crane sits down with the Dudes for an exclusive interview about his days as a video game programmer in the early days and his experience creating and designing A Boy and His Blob. If you listen to any 2 Dudes show, this would be the one to catch. But you should pr0bably listen to all of them.

After the interview with David Crane the 2 Dudes try to salvage a show, but due to the excitement get a little side tracked at times. The Dudes also award themselves a pretty prestigious award for a great podcast.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Best podcast about A Boy and His Blob. (Winner: 2 Dudes and a NES)
  • “Putin Rejoiced” – Force the blob to eat a ketchup jelly bean.

Game Rating

10/10! Well, two favorite jelly beans out of two choices of jelly beans.

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Rob of The Retro Junkies! Check it HERE

Download the A Boy and His Blob Podcast!

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Secrets/Easter Eggs


No. 7: The Poor Erdrick

Final Fantasy calls out Dragon Warrior by putting their main character’s name on a tombstone. “Here we are. We’re taking the RPG crown and putting you in the ground!”.

Here lies Erdrick.

Also, there is a really strange sliding puzzle that you can play in game by holding A and pushing the B button 55 times. Weird. Check it out!

No. 6: The Bald Bull

The 22 year old secret revealed! When Bald Bull charges at you there is a camera flash that tell you when to punch. What?! It may not be that big of a secret, but it is fully how nobody talked about this for so long. Check it out HERE!


No. 5: The Super Mega Awesome E-Tank

In Mega Man 5, a full M-tank (we’ve been saying E-tank, oops) can kill everyone on screen and turn them into 1-ups. If you use an E-tank while you already have full life, the bad guys turn into 1-ups! Something very helpful that many people have probably accidentally discovered over the years. Check it out HERE!


No. 4: The Masters of Disguise

In Super Mario Bros, killing the first 7 Bowsers reveals that these fake Bowsers were actually minions in disguise.

World 1: Goomba

World 2: Troopa

World 3: Buzzy

World 4: Spiny

World 5: Lakitu

World 6: Blooper

World 7: Hammer Brother

No. 3: The Legend of Michael’s Cat

In The Legend of Zelda, there is a second quest that can be accessed after beating the game once. However, if you enter your name as “Zelda”, you can skip straight to the second quest… Nice!

No. 2: The Whistles of Super Mario 3

You knew we had to include these. Just the idea that you had to duck down and appear behind the level to get that first whistle astounds us still today. The whistles always made us skip most of the game once we discovered them, but who else decided to make a pit stop in the big world?

Honorable Mention: The Minus World of Super Mario Bros.

We’ve mentioned this one before, but we think it’s really cool. More of a glitch than an Easter Egg, so we are giving this one an honorable mention.

No. 1: The Justin Bailey of Metroid

Most password systems on the NES were easy to crack and figure out. But the password system in Metroid was notoriously hard to crack due to it’s fail safe double check. That’s what makes it extra strange that these passwords were found because they almost had to be found by accident. Next step, documentary on “Finding Justin Bailey.”


Shout Outs!

Download the Secrets/Easter Eggs Podcast!

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Kabuki Quantum Fighter


This looks like a weird game. And what is a kabuki anyway?

Join the 2 Dudes as they discuss by far the weirdest game to be discussed on the show. If you like futuristic games where ancient Japanese dance art is a vital component to success, you will like this game. Plus how many games can you use hair as a weapon?

Despite an interruption by a surprise guest the 2 Dudes discuss the awesome and down right hilarious parts of this game and go off on several tangents in the process. (Ahem….Justin) From the graphics, design and certainly original story, the Dudes discuss it all. Plus toward the end they tease about a special project that is in the works in the laboratory of the 2 dudes.

In a show that both Dudes feel may be their best yet, you will find plenty of laughs, information and down right fun. Listen and Enjoy

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the high score. (Winner: Michael with 25,950)
  • “Mane Man” – Use only your hair as a weapon.
  • “Quantum Leap” – Make it through the first stage without touching any spikes.

Game Rating

Dances for the ages… the Worm and the Robot

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
    • Except for the outro music which is “Kicks” by Sycamore Drive. Find it HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Ferg of The Atari 2600 Game by Game Podcast! Check it HERE

Download the Kabuki Quantum Fighter Podcast!

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