Deadly Towers



When the Dudes said they intended on playing the good, the bad and the ugly on the NES, they were not kidding. This game comes from the gallows of the bad game repertoire.

Deadly Towers was brought to the NES from Japan by the company made more famous by their edutainment games, Broderbund. Perhaps they should have stuck to what they did best. As an action adventure game this one just did not stand up to the quality of other games of the times like Zelda and Wizards and Warriors.

While the Dudes may not have preferred this game to the many other great games that the NES has to offer, they had a great time discussing it.

Happy listening.

Retrofitted Trophies

Provided by Jay Jorgenson this week:

1.Star Wars didn’t last this long: read the entire back story at the beginning of the game.

2. Ludder shock: collect 1000 ludder, whatever that means.

3. Bleeding ears: download the background music to your iPod and listen to it for an hour straight

4. Bad idea: intentionally jump off a ledge until game over, because the hero hates himself

Justin: Dunce Cap Trophy: To those who beat this terrible game


Game Rating

Type of Dog Turd

Michael: Turds with string in them (MESSY AND AWFUL!)

Justin: Hot Steaming Pile on a Snow Filled Yard


Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by: Dub from the Retro Obscura Podcast. Check them out: HERE

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Raid on Bungeling Bay



Man, that box art sure is creepy……

The dudes reach into obscurity this week to pull out a little known or talked about game out of the NES vault. While most, (sans one sporting a ginger colored beard that may be awesome) have not heard of this game, the dudes hope to bring it into your NES experience.

The game has an awesome premise, being that you are a lone fighter against an empire that is trying to build up and take over the world. Oh, and these folks happen to go by the name bungeling…… whatever that means.

The dudes had a great time playing and reviewing this game. While the game itself might not have seen a lot of fame,the game franchise that was formed from the creator, in part inspired by the creation of this game, was one of the most popular gaming franchises of all time. The dudes hope you enjoy listening to this episode and maybe you become inspired to play this little known title.

Retrofitted Trophies

Those Bumbling Bungelings: Beat the game without losing any helicopters

Shark Food: Making the Bungelings shark food by shooting the boats (Justin is embarrassed about this pathetic trophy)

Game Rating

Type of Helicopter

Michael: Apache

Justin: V-22 Osprey

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Aaron Hickman from the Retro Obscura Podcast Check them out HERE

Find us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+, and Podomatic!

Download the Raid On Bungeling Bay Podcast!



Jaws… the one NES game that has consumed more of the dudes’ collective time than any other game. Why didn’t they spend their wonder years playing co-op Contra? Why didn’t they compete in some intense high score competitions with Donkey Kong? Who knows. Maybe if they knew what they were doing they would have spent less time on it.

However, Jaws holds a place in the dudes’ legacy whether it is a good game or not. Be sure and listen to this week’s episode as Justin and Michael discuss their praises and complaints with Jaws.

Also, be sure and stick around as they try and defend themselves against a 2-star review on iTunes, talk Facebook feedback, and reveal the winners of the review contest.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “The Crocodile Hunter” – Get killed by a stingray
  • “The Conch Exchange” – Collect 20 conch shells
  • “James Cameron Would Be Impressed” – Get the submarine
  • “Christopher Cross” – Sail for 3 minutes without “hitting something”
  • “Why?!” – Fail to stab Jaws 5 times
  • “I Can’t Beat You, But I’ll Punch Your Kid” – Defeat Baby Jaws in front of Jaws.

Game Rating  Scuba gear!! A snorkel for surface fun and a wet suit that takes knowledge to put on.

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Tyler and Dave of TADPOG fame! Check it HERE

Download the Jaws Podcast!

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Hold on the dudes are pumping some iron getting ready to bust out of their shirts to talk about the quintessential ’80′s game Contra.

Joining the dudes to talk about one of the most famous and loved games for the NES is Nick Stephens from the NES Podcast on the Retro Junkies Network. Nick was chomping at the bit to talk about this game mainly because he is a dude proclaimed expert for Contra.(I mean he beat it without the Contra Code for crying out loud)

The dudes talk about all things Contra in this bandana wearing, shirtless run and gun episode of 2 Dudes and a NES. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did recording it.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • Aquaphobia: Beating the 1st level without touching the water
  • Find a Bridge and Get Over It: Make it across both exploding bridges in the jungle
  • Flip Out: Make it through the first level by just flipping
  • Last Action Hero: Finish the game with only one life left
  • Take a Coloring Book and Sit In the Corner: When you can’t beat Contra with the 30 lives code
  • Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed: Awarded to Nick Stephens for beating the game in 30 minutes the previous evening
  • Don’t Whiz on the Electric Fence: Get electrocuted in the first stage
  • Nick Stephens: You win Nick!!! Beat Contra with 30 lives code and no continues
  • Nick Stephens Try This On For Size: Beat the game without the contra code or any power up

Game Rating

Rating of Action Hero!!

Michael: Die Hard John McClane

Nick: Arnold in Terminator 2

Justin: Dalton from Roadhouse

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Atari Man!! Check out his store HERE

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