


Through the years many video games have been inspired by board games. However what about a board game solely created for a video game system? Leave it to the guys at Rare to be innovative and bring the board game to the NES, but they went a step further with the creation of Anticipation “Nintendo’s first video board game.”

The Dudes sit down to talk about Anticipation this week a little. We must say a little because there is plenty of tangent talking in this episode. But how can you blame the Dudes? I mean, talk for an hour about just anticipation? Impossible.

After starting off on a bad foot due to a lame joke made by Justin and Michael deservedly giving him the silent treatment for it, the Dudes get right to the heart of Anticipation, board games, ridiculous reviews and much more.

While this is a lesser known NES title that you may not have experience with, the Dudes put on a great show for the listeners.

Thanks for listening.


Retrofitted Trophies

These heels are going to walk all over you – Beat the game as the high heels

Skynet take over – Beat the game over 3 computers on very hard

Game Rating

Candy land (Justin)
Life (Michael)


Shout Outs!

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