Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!


The dudes return this week with a classic that has been the most requested game among the listeners. That’s right, the Dudes are finally going to talk about Mike Tyson’s Punch Out.

Joining the dudes this week is a long time friend and Punch Out guru John. John wrote the article for the website regarding Punch Out called the Ten Count. This is suggested reading to go along with this week’s show.

The dude’s go a little long this week as they go through each frighter individually and leave very little out in this weeks’ game discussion. Plus, this game has a few Japanese names for Justin to butcher, as well as multiple stories of Michael finding the cart, as he has several copies of this game (what better game to have multiple copies of right?).

We hope you enjoy this week’s show and the Dudes went all out in this week’s episode to try not to disappoint.

Retrofitted Trophies

Go Back to Making Cars – Beat Piston Honda

Go Get You Some Rogaine You Big Bum – Knock out Bald Bull during his charge attack

Nighty Night – KO MR. Sandman

Holyfield’s Revenge – Knock Tyson’s ear off (Not possible….. or is it?)


Game Rating

Type of Punch:





Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

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