

The Dudes are joined this week by honorary Dude Hickman. The three dudes discuss the obscure (yes, Aaron Hickman is a fan of the obscure, like his podcast) game StarTropics.

StarTropics is a game that for those that experienced it, was loved. What’s not to love? Yo-yos? Awesome. Baseball equipment used as weapons? Again, Awesome. Plus the game carries with it a fun time that is reminiscent of Zelda. Although Dude Justin had to make an early exit this week, Dude Michael and Dude Hickman dive deep into the game.

Other than talk about the game, the Dudes cover several topics and hilarity ensues. Also Michael takes on Dude Hickman in another round of historical tidbits and trivia quiz game.

Michael’s Quiz Record: 3Wins – 2Losses

Retrofitted Trophies

King of the Ocean – Talk to the dolphin

Mike Jones Who!? – Talk to the town people and find out your name

Knowing is half the battle – Beat the cobra

It’s a secret to everybody – Get on the shape and enter the code

Second Hand Nightmare – Buying the game second hand and not having the code

I ain’t afraid of no ghost! – Beat the ghost boss

Game Rating

Kid’s Toy:


Paddle Ball


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!



Dudes are vengeance. Dudes are the night. Dudes are… talking about BATMAN!

The dudes are joined this episode by Rob Luther of many podcasts fame (Turtle Flakes, Genesis Gems, The Retro Junkies Super Show, etc.) and he really helps Michael out in the quest department. He also cheats at quizzes… hoser.

BATMAN is a beloved game by many a D-Padder and it’s surprising that it hasn’t been recommended yet. Nevertheless, the dudes take it upon themselves to bring a ton of great dialog about this game. Be sure and give this show a listen this week if you are a fan of the game or if you have never played it. You are guaranteed to want to give it a go afterwards.

Michael’s Quiz Record: 2Wins – 2Losses

Retrofitted Trophies

Low Blow Hero/Nut Shot Hero – Beat every opponent by crouching and punching

Who’s Laughing Now? – Murder JOKER

Honey, I Blew Up the BATMAN – Make BATMAN burst into flames by dying

BATMAN the Horologist (it’s a real word people) – Climb the clocktower without taking damage

Stay With Me – Complete a level with one bar of health

Wannabe Bill Gates – Defeat the

Wanna See a Magic Trick – Hide in the corner during the first boss fight so the boss can’t hit you

Call the EPA – Get to level 3 and realize the chemical plant has been dumping

Purple Rain – BATMAN makes it rain with bullets

Gotham Is Now Safe Thanks To the Purple Knight – Beat the game

Don’t You Know I’m a Martial Artist – Beat the game with only your fists

That’s Batastic – Beat the game without using cheats

Game Rating

Type of Nocturnal Animal:

Mike: Racoon

Justin: Bat eared fox

Rob: Owl


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Mega Man


The Dudes may not have been on their A game when it came time to do the episode on Faxanadu but they attempt to redeem themselves this week as they review one of the more famous games for the NES. And redeem, the Dudes do, as they talk about this all time great.

Mega Man holds a spot in all NES fans’ hearts. As one of the first side scrolling shooters with graphics that were impressive for the NES, Mega Man has become one of the most beloved games in history. This also sparked one of the most successful gaming franchises of all time.

If you have been a 2 Dudes fan or just now finding them, this show is a must listen. Joining the Dudes this week is Rob Maher who designed a game that definitely has drawn influences from Mega Man.

Want to know more? Want to learn more about Mega Man or at least hear some Dudes talk about? Do yourself a favor and give this episode a listen.

Retrofitted Trophies

D-D-D-Do ya have it?! Guts! – Beat the Gutsman stage

Fire Proof – Beating Fireman without taking a hit

Ice Ice Baby – Beat Iceman stage and do running man in celebration

Training for the World’s Strongest Man – Beat a stage while holding a rock

Go work on the theory of relativity – Beat Dr. Wiley

If it wasn’t for this jaundice – Beat yellow cyclops

There can only be 1 – Beat copy cat Mega Man

Cut the cord – Beat Elecman with Cutman ability

Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed – Beat the game without taking a hit

Game Rating

Type of Menial Task:

Mike: Chopping and Hauling Wood

Justin: Hammering Nails

Rob: Cleaning the house


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!



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With a game library as massive as the NES, there will come a time when the Dudes discuss a game that not even they are experts on. Never fear! The Dudes search far and wide to bring in others that know the game well so that the listeners will not suffer (we think).

This week the Dudes talk about the RPG Faxanadu and they bring in special guest Aron Robison to help them out. Aron is a Faxanadu Guru and he sits down to talk with the Dudes about this game. While the Dudes have never got to the end of this game, Aron has and he tells us about the last time he beat the game.

While being a more obscure NES title, Faxanadu had some fame in its time. It was one of the early RPG’s and it had a place on Nintendo Power’s top 30 games for some time. For more on this game, give the Dudes a chance and have a listen.


Retrofitted Trophies

Meditative State – Get to the Guru

Gots me lots of golds – get 1500 gold from the king

Magic Missile – Use deluge to kill one of the spiky dwarves

Armed to the teeth – buy the best of everything

Gym Class Trophies- martial arts power

Jerkin’s for Jerks – Upgrade your armor

It’s a me Mario – make it to 2nd town just jumping over everyone

Jacks Wild – Get your first J key


Game Rating

Magic Spell:

Hungry Pit


Wish Spell



Behind The Scenes Look


Notice: The music at the end of the episode is not for the next game the Dudes discuss. Mega Man 4 music was incorrectly put in when it should be Mega Man.

Shout Outs!

Tecmo Bowl


‘Tis the season… the football season. Football season is underway and the dudes can’t think of a better way to kickoff (get it?) this time of the year than with a discussion about Tecmo Bowl. Tecmo Bowl is hands down one of the greatest football games to ever come out on any system. Be sure and listen to the dudes gush about it for a solid 70 minute run time.

Well, they don’t talk about Tecmo Bowl the whole time actually. Pay close attention as Michael and Justin also talk a little bit about general football (a subject in which Michael is not well versed) and rental stores. They also talk about the adult section of said rental stores (Oh no! Family friendly tarnished again?). Near the end, the dudes discuss some general podcast news and friends south of the border, so stick around for the whole thing.

Apologies to any D-Padders hoping to hear from Paul “Sweet” of Retro Obscura as technical difficulties prevented him from being on the show for more than 10 seconds. Apologies to Paul too while we’re at it. Sometimes those darn computer thingies just don’t act right. Just listen to an episode or two of Michael and Justin’s old show “Retro Thought Pod” and you’ll know that these guys are prone to technical hiccups.

Technical issues aside, this might be one of the best episodes yet. A great game and plenty of humor sprinkled into several tangents. Hope you enjoy!

Retrofitted Trophies

Ditka – Beat the game with Chicago

Good Game, But No Super Bowl – Win a game as Miami

You Better Get a Bright Orange Vest – Score a safety.

Quit Being a Jerk and Take a Knee – Score 5 touchdowns in one game.

Game Rating

Wide Receiver Route:

Michael – Deep Post

Justin – Hail Mary!


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!