Friday the 13th


Guess what? Halloween episode! Bet you guys saw this one coming.

The Dudes screw up this week and use up their Friday the 13th game on a day not labeled Friday the 13th… Oh well, at least it is Friday.

Now the big question on the table is whether this game is any count. Here’s a hint: It’s made by LJN.

*SPOILERS* Michael and Justin aren’t huge fans of this one. However, it is still a great episode (the dud games usually are) and we hope you enjoy it. Does this game really live up to its hype of being terribly awful?

Retrofitted Trophies

David, Meet Goliath – Defeat Jason only using rocks

Oh my God I’m Dying, Oh my God I’m Dying – Play the game for an hour

Counselor of the Month – Beat the game without losing any kids

Is That Thing Cashmere? – Acquire Jason’s Mom’s Sweater

We Don’t Need No Water, Let That Mother $%$#^# Burn – Light all the fireplaces

Brush My Teeth You Will Not – Beat the game

Game Rating

Type of Summer Camp Activity

Arts and Crafts

Washing Dishes


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Shovel Knight


Bo bo bo bonus episode!!!! The Dudes gather together round the fire with some other dudes and talk about the NES classic… Shovel Knight. Oh wait! This isn’t a classic NES game. It’s a new game. Why would the Dudes be talking about this one?

Shovel Knight might be a new game, but it’s brimming over with classic NES nostalgia. Much like the 2 Dudes and a NES podcast, Shovel Knight is a true love letter to the Nintendo Entertainment System. Justin and Michael truly feel like it needs to be talked about. Well, Justin hasn’t actually played it yet, but that’s why the Dudes brought on some guests. Nick Stephens (NES Podcast, Genesis Gems) and Rob McCalllum (Nintendo Quest) help flesh out this awesome discussion of Shovel Knight.

Game Rating

Type of Garden Tool




Self Propelled Push Mower

Automatic Garden Tiller


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Kid Icarus


This week the dudes get their mythology on with Kid Icarus. Kid Icarus was a famous game that was brought into the gaming world by none other that Nintendo’s R&D 1. Much like other games brought to the NES from R&D 1 (ahem…. Metroid), Kid Icarus brings a lot of fun, frustration and ultimately enjoyment.

In the show the guys talk about their experiences playing this game and their many frustrations. They also bring in many tangents as usual. The show also features a few embarrassing moments, that the listener will enjoy.

There is also a quiz game that puts Justin on the spot this time , with horrible results. The Dudes love talking this NES classic and we hope that you enjoy the show as much.

Happy listening

Retrofitted Trophies

Pit’s Perilous Puberty – Get the ending where Pit becomes an adult

By the Beard of Zeus – Beat the game

Wannabe Plutus – Max out your currency

Cheater’s never prosper, your credit’s no good here – Use a password cheat and fall into immediate debt

Adephagia made me do it – Drink from the cup of life, when your life is already full

Mastered the way of Hermes – Plug in controller 2 to get lower prices in the shop


Game Rating

Type of Wine




Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Dude Story: An NES Bromance


Have you ever wanted to know the story of how Justin and Michael met? Or how their relationship flourished? No? Really??

Well, the dudes are going to tell you anyway. Michael is in the process of moving and has all of his NES stuff packed away. No games to play. No accessories with which to tinker. But instead of skipping this week’s episode, the dudes have decided to record an episode about mostly nothing. Enjoy!

Want to hear an episode about an NES game? Try one of these gems… TMNT, Mega Man, Contra, Startropics, or Deadly Towers!

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

So, What’s a “Gamer”?



Of all the debates in the game world, there’s none that gathers more opinion than then definition of what it means to be a “gamer.” Filming the NES Club several crew members were asked at different points if they were gamers like Jay or myself; of course it’s hard to say “I’m a gamer” in the presence of a guy who’s trying to get an entire library of games in 30 for fear of competition, ridicule or more perhaps but sure enough, at different points throughout the trip, I observed them gaming, or in the gaming spirit in one way or another.

I like to start with the broadest of all possible definitions and perhaps whittle it down. I simply ask people if they game instead of being a gamer. You see, as a guy who’s played drums with Green Day on stage three times I would never call myself a drummer, BUT I know the basics. I think the same can be said for people that game. Some people game on the casual side and some invest a lot of time and effort not only during the “play” side of it, but alsothrough research, conversation and exploration and certainly, through collecting.

I think it’s safe to say almost everyone has gamed at some point. Whether its playing cards, table top varieties, heck even playing TAG at school is a form of a game, let alone the wide world of sports. But when it comes to video games, I think a gamer, more properly, is someone who chooses to actively invest time and energy in the practice of gaming and engages those within the culture. If you get together with friends, online or in person, and play games, then you’re a gamer. If you read the latest insights on the next big release, you’re a gamer. If you hunt down an entire library of games across 10,000 miles, then you’re a gamer as well.


Of course beyond that dividing definition that’s in flux and allows people to go back and forth, that barrier that puts active participants inside the gaming group and passive participants on the outside, there’s still jockeying for position on who’s more of a gamer or a better gamer. Now, for me, this is just a measure of displayed passion. For a guy like Jay, our star of The NES Club, he’s okay with being filmed for 30 days as he hunts downevery last cart but some people hate the camera and would never dare enter the spotlight – that doesn’t mean they’re less of a gamer though; not in my eyes. Record hunter games, those individuals who work tirelessly for a world record achievement not only get criticized for their performance on said record but also in the title they choose with suggestions like “oh that’s not a real gamers game. that’s an easy one.” This is about the point I roll my eyes and also smile because it’s this sense of competition between gamers that allows the definition of a gamer to continually evolve. Im sure there are folk out there that only consider a world record holder in the “top ten” games with a collection over over “X” number of carts from X different eras is only a true gamer.

Next time you hear someone ask another if they are a gamer or not, feel to make your own assessment or interjection. The bottom-line is if you wanna be a gamer, all you have to do is declare so by your own criteria. Collectors, have the same kind of debate, but that’s for next time!


About the Author:
Rob McCallum is a filmmaker with multiple awards for his short subject material and the director of the upcoming feature-length doc, “The NES Club.”