Nintendo Country Christmas



We truly appreciate all the awesome calls and support from you guys over the past year. We hope you love this episode as we had a blast putting it together for you.

So Happy Holidays from us dudes and we’ll see you next year!

-Dude Michael


Music From The Show

Behind The Scenes Look


Shout Outs!

  • This episode contains many great tunes from Merry Chipmas 2013 featuring the following artists:

    Joe Bleeps
    sleeping arms
    Laffe the Fox
    Starman Stan
    Starman Stan
    Pieces of Eight

  • Announcement’s for this week’s segments by Rob McCallum of Nintendo Quest
  • Special thanks to our sponsor: Square Breathing Windows Phone Meditation App
  • Special thanks to our sponsor: Heavenly Mushroom
  • GoFundMe for Elliot Crabtree can be found here:
  • Find us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+, and Podomatic!

Battletoads & Double Dragon


Dudes and Hosers abound! It’s the crossover of the century featuring the podcast rivalry that has listeners buzzing.

The Dudes meet up this week with the guys over at Genesis Gems to hash out their differences and talk about the crossover game Battletoads and Double Dragon. They may have been tricked to get there but it certainly ended up being worth it.

In this episode one of the greatest Beat ’em ups is discussed. Trust the Dudes, you do not want to miss this episode.

Now, take off!!

Not really, please stay and listen.

Sweet art by D-Padder Joe Kopel

Sweet art by D-Padder Joe Kopel


Retrofitted Trophies

You’ll get warts – Beat the game as a Battletoad

No Shame – Beat Abobo

Would the real Bimmy Lee Please stand up – Can’t get past the First Level

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto – Beat the robot in level 2 and use it’s leges to beat up other Shadow Warriors

Brotherly Love – Beat in 2 player as Billy and Jimmy

Pound Sand – Pound 3 bad guys into the ground

You dirty rat you killed my brother – Playing as Double Dragon characters with one dying by being killed by Big Blag

What’s the time, Hammer Time! – Pound 5 bad guys into the floor

Pogo a go go – Use Pogo attack

Cave man special move – beating the girl by throwing her by her hair

Sonic Boom – Beating the Guile look a likes on stage 2

Polly want a cracked skull – Beat the birds in stage 3

Do what Sega can’t – Beat the NES version

Came in like a wrecking ball – Kill 5 crows with the wrecking ball as a Battletoad

Be a gentleman – Get through Roper’s stage without hitting the ladies with the whips


Game Rating

Type of Gem




Behind The Scenes Look


Shout Outs!

Ninja Gaiden


Hiyah! Watch out for that ninja attack! The Dudes return from a trip to the ninjutsu class at ITT Tech with the task of playing Ninja Gaiden.

All they have to do is beat the game in order to earn their quadruple black belt. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen this week. They do however podcast about this hotly anticipated game.

This game was highly requested by the D-Padders in the new poll that is available to determine which games the Dudes should cover next. You can visit that poll HERE and make your requests known.

So sit back, relax, and listen as the dudes vent their frustrations and share their love for this game. Somehow they managed to refrain from cursing on air. Family friendly you know.

Retrofitted Trophies

Go Ninja Go Ninja Go – Beat the game in under 15 minutes

Who’s Your Daddy? – Release your father from posession

Oh! A “guy”den – Get surrounded by enemies

I Got The Bad Boy in Garland, TX – Obtain the fire wheel

Ornithologist Be Darned – Kill a bird

Your Father Would Be Impressed – Beat the game without taking damage

Tecmo Black Belt – Beat the game

Way of the Monk – Beat the game only killing enemies that you have to kill

Blade Runner – Beat the game without using powerups, only your sword

Justin Harrell is a jerk – He is.

Game Rating

Ninja Weapon Rating

Michael – Shuriken

Justin – Nunchucks


Coming Soon!

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Swamp Thing


Into the Green! The dudes find themselves in another world this week and with them are the guys from the Comic Nerds Unite Podcast. While in the Green the Dudes and Comic Nerds decide to play a little Swamp Thing for the NES and read some Swamp Thing comics. (Because what else would you do in a metaphysical swamp)

While in the Green the guys decide to record not one but two podcasts, so after listening to this episode, you should go over to the Comic Nerds Unite podcast and hear the Dudes there.

Swamp Thing Nerds Unite! The Dudes are invaded in the green by Marc and Tim of the Comic Nerds Unite podcast to talk about Swamp Thing.

Retrofitted Trophies

Don’t wipe boogers on the sofa – Beat level 1 without a swamp booger

Jump the Shark – Correctly jump over fish robot

Swamp Thing created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson – Think about the 9 issues of Swamp Thing you read before playing while rocking your child to sleep

Ah, this polution – Get killed by a tin can

A Better NIght – Taking this game out and putting another game in

Don’t pollute – Put the game in the recycle bin

Game Rating

Swamp Booger Rating


Coming Soon!

Behind The Scenes Look

We did a sweet crossover with this episode! Check out Comic Nerds Unite!

Shout Outs!

The Hidden World: Video Game Store Environments


Traveling across the country in search of great retro games, you come into contact with a lot of great people but you also discover some unique stores too. Now, not every store is magical by any means but there are some great spaces out there that really transport you to another world. Every “trip” is different too; there isn’t a typical type of store though it’s nice to report that every store The NES Club went into, the staff was positive, friendly and willing to help us in any way. Here’s are the big three categories what we found was cool in our travels and I hope that some other store owners can take these ideas and make their store even better!

Signage: Do your store logo up with some heart and passion and carry that aesthetic inside you store.

Organization: Have the store layout make sense and even, take the customer through mini areas full of eye candy; encourage exploration passively through active choices when laying out merchandise, artwork and furniture.

Art/Decor/Ambiance: Probably the most important element to appeal to anyone off the street is to create a space that literally looks like another world. We saw stores that hung anime posters, game art, played music, had props, statues and more and everything was of a similar theme and connected with every other item. In other words, there was though behind the look of the store not just random game posters framed or not framed on the wall.

The goal with a store, from a customer’s point of view, and I should clarify that I have very little retail experience so by no means am I an expert, is to provide an experience – and the more addictive that experience, the better. The experience can be pure escapist where you feel like you’re in a game when you walk through the door. The experience can be more social where the staff chat about games in a friendly manner but encourage your input and repeat visits.

It’s very clear when a store is set up as a commercial enterprise first and foremost; The prices, the layout, the staff, and the turnover of product, all reflect that attitude instantly and gamers can smell it from a mile away. This is why gamers feel less comfortable in stores like Gamestop and other more corporate entities – it’s clear they are designed to make money regardless of who’s paying and their unique tastes. Now, I also love aspects of Gamestop and other smaller chains trying to find a balance but the number one thing that will keep people coming through your door as an independent retailer is to put passion in everything you do. As a filmmaker I often have choices where I can pass on shooting more, or settling and saying “that’s good enough.” And admittedly, there are days where I’ve done that and it’s always come back to haunt me so I’ll never do it again –  the crew of The NES Club knows this best: Long hours are a must in the world of passion projects and you take advantage of every opportunity possible.

So the next time you’re in a store, take a look around, make some notes about what you like and share with other gamers, store owners and friends because the best part of gaming is discovering the people and places that share our interests.


About the Author:
Rob McCallum is a filmmaker with multiple awards for his short subject material and the director of the upcoming feature-length doc, “Nintendo Quest”