Kung Fu



Hiyah! Now that we’ve got the obligatory hiyah out of the way, the Dudes are joined by Kung Fu master Landon Long of The Retro Junkies Super Show! It’s time to kick some tail and save Sylvia!

Kung Fu is a great arcade port that has quick, addictive gameplay. Sit back and listen as the Dudes discuss techniques, boss designs, and high scores galore!

Retrofitted Trophies

This One’s for Matthew – Kill the boomerang guy

Shaq Fu Who? – Defeat the big black guy (aka The Giant)

Die in the Dog – Getting killed in a dog pile

Bruce Lee’s 2nd Cousin – Beat the game without dying

Ankle Attack of Death – Kill a boss by only using sweep kicks

Groundhog Day – Beat the game 3 times in a row

You Broke My Stick! – Beat the stick boss

How Much for a Dozen? 5000 – Perform the 5000 point jump kick

Mama Said Knock You Out – Lose to the 4th level boss (aka Mr. X’s mom)

Sweep the Leg Johnny – Defeat Mr. X by only using sweep kicks

Game Rating

Type of karate move:

Michael – Roundhouse kick

Justin – Crane kick

Landon – High jump kick



Coming soon!

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!




Rygar, oh Rygar. An arcade port that turned into something entirely different.

It’s been a while since the Dudes have released an episode. Holidays, sickness, and just general life stuff has been in the way. But the Dudes won’t let that stop them. They are back on track (for now) and ready to talk some Rygar.

So sit back and listen as Justin and Michael dig through this arcade turned adventure game. Does it stack up against recent platformers on the show? Listen in and find out.

This game was highly requested by the D-Padders in the new poll that is available to determine which games the Dudes should cover next. You can visit that poll HERE and make your requests known.

Retrofitted Trophies

Who turned over the cinderblock? – Kill 4 rolly poly enemies

It’s a me Rygar! – Jump on 10 turtle shells

Who needs a rope when you’ve got this in your pants? – Get the grappling hook and never use a rope to climb again

Crotch rocket – Use the grappling hook

Arbor day is a stupid holiday anyway – Kill 4 trees

If Captain America and Iron Man had a baby – Obtain the armor powerup

Game Rating

Type of Shield:

Michael – Zelda’s wooden shield

Justin – Prototype shield



Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!