Nearly There, Just Not Quite Yet….


It’s taken hours of gruelling practice, sore thumbs and possibly a broken controller, but you’ve made it. Finally there, the quiet before the storm, you take one last deep soothing breath, repeating your faithful mantra that has served you no purpose whatsoever…….Until this faithful moment

“Cummon, I got it this!”

A mysterious sense of tranquility overcomes you, past nerves evaporate from your senses, recollections of previous failures no longer materialize

“This is the one, no more messing about now!”

You feel at one with yourself, the character and the game, no longer a playable alter ego but an extension of your own self. With each jump, you flinch, with each strike, you lunge, you’re feet shuffling on the carpet underneath you can hardly contain yourself, the nervous energy courses through your veins and with each hit taken you writhe back aghast shouting the more than occasional profanity.  For the intensity of this duel has reached fever pitch and doubt once again starts to rear its ugly shadow upon your once ‘guaranteed victory’.

Staring nervously into the abyss of adversity you pull yourself together for one final push towards glory. Almost fraying from the edges of misfortune you finally regain the composure and skill you had acquired up to this point, now is the time to strike down your opponent once and for all, and at last that final hit, that oh so glorious hit, it beckons to you like a mythological siren. HHIIIIYYYYAAAA and with that it’s done….

The battle was arduous, you have triumphed over your long time foe, though only just. You’re final bar of life looms at the top of the screen, lingering as a constant reminder of how perilously close you came to death once more, but worry not, for now is the time to rejoice, to leap from your derriere shaped dent in the sofa, cheering, fist pumping, rapturous applause surrounds you, now is the time to surrender to the passion and joyous rulings of…..wait, what, why no, it can’t be….. What is this? A metamorphosis unbeknownst happening before my very eyes;

“Is this a demon which I see before me,

The controller toward my hand?

Come, let me clutch thee,

I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.

Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible to feeling as to sight?

Or art thou but a demon of the mind,

A false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?”

And then death is so sudden, so suddenly sweet, you didn’t even notice the soil falling over your head. And with that you’re perished, banished to the start again, by now your patience has been worn so thin, stripped of all calming emotions, you can’t help but feel enraged, but maybe I’ll have just one more go at the dreaded…..

‘2nd Form Boss!’

About the author:Baz

Baz hates writing in the 3rd person but has been an avid gamer since that once fateful 4th birthday when a certain Italian plumber fell down many many holes.

Since then it has been onward and downwards failing to leap over many other holes, but with such a persistent nature that shall not be changing anytime soon.

A fan of games old and new Baz’s favourite systems are the Nes & Playstation 1. Other lifelong hobbies would include mostly reading a lot, copious amounts of music and having a good ol‘ giraffe, preferably down the boozer!

Return to Super Mario Bros.



When the Dudes sat down to reminisce about one year in podcasting, one issue kept coming up. Neither Dude felt that they had done the early games justice. With so many awesome segments and so much better organization coming out of the later episodes, they felt like the show should go back and revisit some of those early episodes.

What better episode to start over with than Super Mario Bros? The game that started it all: The NES, the podcast, the Dudes’ love for gaming in general.

Hopefully, this time they have done right by this wonderful game. If not, maybe expect another return in a year?

Retrofitted Trophies

Now You’re Plumbing with Fire – Obtain fire flower

Hammer Time – Kill all hammer throwers on 8-3 without fire flower

Who Says Plumbers Don’t Make Bank – Collect 100 coins

Well Spit Fire – Beat the game without dying and having a fire flower

Do a Little Dance / Break It Down Mario – Do the vine dance

Poor Poor Plumber – Beat the game without collecting any coins

The Fireman Special – Jump to the top of every flag pole in the game

All Righty Then – Beat the game and never press “left”

It Just Doesn’t Seem Right – Kill Bowser with fireballs in 8-4

I Know a Secret… Shhhhhh, Don’t Tell – Run across the top of 1-2

I am Mario, I am Immortal – Beat the game without dying

Pole Vaulter – Jump over the flag

Pacifist Mario – Never kill anything and only defeat Bowser by dropping the bridge

Dagnabbit Princess – Beat the game and realize that you just start over

Game Rating

Type of Icon:

Michael – Michael Jordan

Justin – Bill Gates


Coming soon!

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Hints and Tips: Zelda II


First, some general gameplay notes:

1) With a few exceptions, there’s very little need to grind. You run into enough enemies in the game that as long as you fight everyone (clear the screen before moving on) you’ll gain XP and levels at a steady rate. Don’t run away from random encounters unless you’re almost dead.

2) If you DO need to avoid a random encounter while on the map screen, step off the road (you’re safe as long as you’re on the roads), trigger the monsters to show up, then duck back onto the road. You’ll go the battle screen, but no enemies, and you just walk off.

3) Explore the whole map, like you did in Zelda. There’s a number of goodies you can get if you poke around — 1UP dolls, experience bags, Magic and Heart containers, and so on. Smash any boulders that you see with the Hammer and cut down any standing alone tree clumps. Be especially suspicious of any lose standing areas of road or clear areas as well and walk onto them.

4) Also, when you get the winged boots that allow you to walk on water, try to explore walking on the ocean as well. There are two items you can get by doing that, and you can also save time when returning from the island palace.

5) In the palaces themselves, always slash at the statues of Iron Knuckle that you can see now and then. Sometimes they come to life — other times, they drop magic refill containers!

6) Within the palaces, the best way to deal with Iron Knuckles is to fake them out. Back them against a wall or the screen so they can’t run anymore, take two slashes either high or low, and then QUICKLY take your third slash the other way (high if you had been going low, low if you had been going high). He can’t react in time and you’ll hit. Rinse and repeat.

7) If you find a 1UP doll on the map, don’t take it! Just note the location of it and leave it for later (or consult a FAQ online when you’re ready). You can find a total of 5 dolls in the overworld. Save them for when you are ready to go to the Great Palace, then scoop them up at once.

On Raising levels and gaining XP:

1) With a few exceptions, try to keep a balanced approach to raising your levels. Don’t ignore magic. Magic is a VERY useful skill to have. As you raise magic levels, your spells are more powerful and (I believe) it costs fewer points to cast the spell.

2) When you place a crystal at the palace to finish said palace, you automatically gain enough XP to your next level. Don’t waste that! Check to see how much XP you need to raise a level after beating the boss. If you’re close (I’d say within 1000 or less) go grind in the palace until you hit that level, THEN go and place the crystal. You’ll gain two levels for the hassle of one!

3) By the sixth palace, you should either be at or almost at, max levels (8 for attack, life, and magic)

On using magic:

1) Some spells are very handy while others are useful only in special situations. Life, Shield, and Jump you use all through the game.

2) Fairy is a great spell to use also. Did you miss a key somehow and can’t proceed? No problem! Just turn into a fairy and fly through the lock! Do you have get past a tough screen? No sweat! Just turn into the fairy form and fly high and avoid all that mess. You can also pick up items in this form! There’s a ton you can do with it.

3) Fire is a spell that you need to cast to defeat some enemies, but none of the bosses require it. Some people use it a lot, I only use it to defeat those few enemies that NEED the spell.

4) Spell, Thunder, and Reflect are only useful at one specific time and place. In theory, Spell lets’s you turn a strong enemy into a weak one, but I never found it useful.

On fighting and palaces:

1) The downward slash is one of the handiest attacks in the whole game. There are numerous tough foes that you can just jump, and ‘bounce’ on their heads with the point of your sword until they are dead. In addition, it makes getting through blocks super easy.

2) The upward slash is more limited in use, but it comes in handy with some bosses, and can help you get out of the ‘trapped’ block areas.

3) A turbo button helps when you are fighting, so that you can do rapid sword strikes. You can paralyze a lot of foes that way,

4) Starting with some of the higher palaces, remember there are fake walls that you can walk through! By the same token, watch out for pits that fake also.

5) There is an item to be found in each palace. Make sure you get it.

On the towns:

1) There is one old man or woman in each town, who can teach you either a magic spell or a sword technique. Make sure to find them!

2) This includes the one town that is ‘dead’ and only has enemies in it, so take the hits (if you don’t have the cross yet) and explore.

3) Sometimes you have to get creative in order to find the old man/woman in each town. In one town, you have to do your best Santa Claus impression. In another you have to cast Spell at the right place.

4)Talk to the folks in the town the first time through, they can provide some nice hints and tips.

5) Usually you need the spell or technique that you can get in each town to advance in the next place, so don’t rush into the palace. Make sure you finish everything in the towns first.

On Death Mountain:

1) No doubt about it, this is one of the hardest places in the game. It’s also great to level up as you battle your way through. Your main objective is to keep heading south while picking the right caves and find the Hammer.

2) Either make a rough map or take notes on where each cave starts and where it puts you out at, and what other caves you can reach. I use the face of a clock as a guide, for example: ‘Cave A at 12 o’clock — Cave B at 3 O’clock — there is here Cave C at 6 o’clock and Cave D at 9 o’clock.’

3) When you finally find the Hammer, you don’t need to go back the way you came! Outside you’ll see a standing alone boulder. Smash it, walk onto the space, go through that cave, and you’ll come out on the long coastal road to the right, which lets you walk back up to Hyrule proper.

On beating the bosses:

I didn’t find most of the bosses in this game to be a challenge, as long as your levels are good and you know what to do. If you die facing a boss you’ll start with full health and magic at the entrance to the room for a re-match, so make sure you have a life in reserve. I don’t recall the names of the bosses, but here’s how you defeat each of them:

1st Palace Boss — run up to him, jump, slash him in the head, then fall back to avoid his counter attack. Rinse and repeat to defeat him.

2nd Palace Boss — jump up and use the downward thrust to hit him on the head. Once the helmet is off it will float around the screen and shoot at you. Ignore that. Jump up and use downward thrust again, seeing if you can ‘bounce’ on his now exposed head to defeat him.

3rd Palace Boss — Have Jump on, and be ready TO jump at a moments noise. He’s on a horse, and when he charges you jump up to avoid him and download slash him on the head to damage him. After a few hits the Ironkuckle will ditch the horse and fight you normaly. Handle him like any regular Ironkuckle at this point.

4th Palace Boss — You NEED Reflect to win this battle. It’s pretty easy. Cast Reflect, go to one side of the screen, crouch, and face the main screen. The wizard will pop in, fire spells, and pop out. With Reflect you bounce the spells back at him, and sooner or later enough will hit him to kill him.

5th Palace Boss — this is the toughest of the palace bosses cause it requires timing. He’ll attack you with a sickle-and-chain weapon that can do major damage. Watch the swing of the weapon as he winds it up. When it gets to one and a half times around, jump up (use Jump and Shield here). You’ll jump the weapon as he swings it out at you, and as you land stab him in the chest. Keep repeating to defeat him.

6th Palace Boss — pick a pit to stand next to, I favor the far right, but the far left or the center one works also. The dragon will randomly come out of a pit, fire a stream of fireballs, then go back down again. If he picks the pit you’re next to, you can stab him once as he is coming up and stab him again as he is coming down. Stay close to the pit and the fireballs will pass over your head. If your timing is good you can also use Jump magic to jump up and hit in the head just after his fireball attack also.

The Final Palace:

1) Don’t bother trying to go here until you cleared all six palaces. There will be a barrier in place.

2) Now is the time to gather up all those 1UP dolls that you’ve been saving!

3) On the long road to get the palace you will run into battle scenes where enemies throw rocks at you behind a wall. They target where you are going to, so use a ‘jerky’ motion to make it through these without being hit. That is, walk a bit, stop, walk a bit, stop, and so on.

4) When you reach the Great Palace itself, keep these two very important tips in mind for navigating it — ALWAYS go to the right (unless it’s a dead end, in which case go left) and keep working your way down in the palace.

5) There’s also a very narrow pit when you are a crumbling bridge in one part that you want to fall down in to advance

6) There are two bosses to defeat to win the game. The first is Firebird, and he’s the hardest boss in the game. Use Shield and Jump here to prepare yourself, then when the battle starts use Thunder. Thunder will weaken Firebird and change his color. Stand under him, jump up, and use your upward slash to hit in the face. Try to avoid his fireballs, and keep doing this until he’s defeated.

7) Your final enemy is your own shadow! He can do everything you can do and can be a hard fight…..but you can also make it wicked easy. When the battle starts, go to the left side of the screen, crouch, and keep stabbing. He’ll run toward you and try to jump to downward slash you, but as he jumps your stabbing sword will hit his legs and he’ll fall back. Keep this up and he goes down in no time flat. One of the easiest bosses of the game!

I hope this helps anyone who is going through this classic game.

About the Author:
Greg Polander has been gaming all his life, and enjoys modern games as much as retro games, from Pong to Skyrim. His favorite gaming consoles are the NES, SNES, and the Xbox 360. He also is the creator and host of The Super NES Podcast.

The Interweb says, “Wow! Look at the Great Deal I Got!!!” and “Only 78 to Go!”


The internet gives us a ton of freedom to communicate, share, research, and discover – especially when it comes to video games. I love hearing and seeing about a game that I missed throughout the years and spending a couple hours researching the development, production, and release or discovering a really fun-sounding saga — then the hunt begins to find it of course!

What I kinda hate or loathe though, and I’m not a negative guy, is when I scan social media and see dozens of posts a day about people who score “game x” for “y dollars.” A large percentage of these posts feature uncommon games, rare titles, or franchise cornerstones. Some are almost impossible to believe, some are just cool to see a game I hadn’t thought about, and others have to be practical jokes designed to engage trolls like Little Samson for $25. I just really don’t get the point.

Am I supposed to care you got A Link to the Past for $5? How does that help me? What impact do you want it to have on me? I love when friends get a good score, of course, but for the game not what they pay for it. That’s the main problem I have with all these posts. In our Pawn Stars/American Pickers world we’ve been lead to prioritize the price we pay over the way we find it – and that turns my stomach. Sure it’s cool that you get a $60 game for 10$ but what should be cool is the game, not the price! Instead, it’s the other way around. It’s like saying the bat-mobile is the reason you watch Batman movies. It’s backward. As a collector, and most of my friends will agree, the game, in this case, is worth what you’re willing to spend. So if you come across Panzer Dragoon Sage for $350 and you want it, grab it! If you find it for $500, and still want – grab it! It makes no difference to me what you paid for it, so quit including that aspect in all your posts! It’s like people feel the need to impress upon others that they have a certain degree of business savvy instead of game savvy. I could totally be wrong of course and maybe that’s the point of a lot of collectors these days – get the game the cheapest regardless of when. I’m not like that and, a handful of others that I share my finds with, are the same. We prioritize the opportunity and condition over price – every single time.

nesClubPosterWhen making “The NES Club: Nintendo Quest” ( we made a very conscious decision to not broadcast the prices of Jay’s finds because we wanted to focus on the games and not the prices. On top of that, some store owners didn’t want us to share the deals Jay got on camera, so it worked out for everyone. It’s a decision I’ll never regret because prices and trends  always affect the value of a product; but the actual product, video games in this case, won’t change. The magic of Super Mario Bros. remains awesome regardless of the price point and that was something we wanted to be our main focus. So what’s your focus? Is it the price? The game? The story behind the acquisition? Make it matter for the sake of my sanity!

This brings me to my next concern, though this one doesn’t irritate me nearly as much: countdown to a complete collection. Having made a film about a guy trying to complete an entire collecting in 30 days without using the internet, I get the appeal of wanting to share that story with people. That said, I chose to make a film about Jay getting a complete collection not because I wanted to show a complete collection but because it was his life long dream. Now, I hope there are a lot of other dreamers out there too going for a complete collection because you’re my target audience for “The NES Club: Nintendo Quest”, but you’re also the folks that can help explain WHY you feel the need to update your countdown with every single acquisition you acquire. No offense, I’m not emotionally connected with your updates or your nine-year journey to get all the Sega Genesis games – unless you compel me to care, and YOU CAN! Like my film, and you’ll find out soon, I wanted everyone to care about Jay’s dream as much as him so I introduce you to his world, his hopes, dreams, fears, friends, and family so that everything he goes through in order to get  games resonates on a deeper level. Make no mistake, “Nintendo Quest” is much more about a guy attempting the insane and as viewers, you get to see how he transforms, for better or worse, by having gone on that journey. So take me on a journey. The price you pay for your games doesn’t matter to me. The numbers of games in your collection doesn’t matter to me. Hook me with a reason to care. Tell me your journey.

We really want “Nintendo Quest” to forge a new kind of community that binds us together with not only our love for gaming and game collecting but the stories and adventures that we go through for something we all love. That’s relate-able. That’s universal. The only way, however, that this community will manifest is by the actions of everyone out there. It’s about prioritizing the right ideals and eliminating the competitive aspects that breed ego for the sake of ego. We no longer live in a world where we have to compare toys and whoever has the better toy collection is the better person –  that’s ridiculous, but that’s the maturity level that seems to permeate part of the social media scene. So let’s talk adventure, trials, and the most unbelievable things ever. Welcome to the Club. Game On.

About the Author:

Robert McCallum is an award-winning filmmaker and director of the upcoming documentary “Nintendo Quest.” @Pyreproductions • • @theNESclub

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link



Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Wasn’t Zelda I an adventure of Link as well?

The Dudes are joined by the incredible Jay of Nintendo Quest! He has beat this game; so that right there makes him 100% more able to talk about this game than the Dudes.

And that’s exactly why it’s great that Justin and Michael bring on guests. This is a really interesting episode with lots of great game talk.

Don’t forget to support Jay and his Nintendo Quest documentary on Kickstarter. Only a few days left.

Retrofitted Trophies

Godfather’s Special – Kill 5 mini horse heads

Where are my pants? (Easy Access) – Play the game and look at Link

The Dirty Birdy – Defeat Thunderbird without taking a hit

Live Mountain – Make it past death mountain

Conquer the Crag… the Agro Crag – Make it through Death Mountain without destroying your controller or TV

Lady of the Night – Get “healed” by a lady in town

Game Rating

Type of mountain:

Michael – Mt. Olympia

Justin – K2

Jay – Mt. Everest



Coming soon!

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!