2 Dudes Go Biweekly



After much thought, Justin and I have decided to go officially biweekly. This might seem like a bummer at first, but if you think about it, we’ve been really going biweekly on accident over the past few months anyway. We feel like it is going to be a good thing and here’s why…

1. More time to spend on each game. We can play the games longer. Hopefully, we’ll come up with better commentary and potentially more thoughtful retro-fitted trophies.

2. We can have more Patreon funds to spend on game giveaways. I’m not going to lie, the $75 goal being met is awesome, but I may have underestimated the cost of buying and shipping each episode’s game for four episodes a month. We won’t be able to cover it. But two games a month? We’ve got this!

3. This is a biggie for us. WE CAN COMMIT TO A DEFINITE RELEASE DATE. Right now, it’s kinda up in the air as to when we have time to schedule, record, and edit all within a week. I know some podcasts do it and do it well, but we don’t feel like we are able to do that. We usually trickle the episode out after a week’s time. If we feel like we have time to record “bonus” episodes and release them outside of the regular biweekly window we will, but you will still be guaranteed an episode twice a month.

So, Justin and I have both committed to releasing an episode every first and third… wait for it… ‪#‎wedNESday‬! This week might be a little late as we make the transition, but expect the episode after this week’s episode to release promptly on June 17th.

-Dude Michael

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