Super Mario Maker


This week the Dudes take a break from talking NES games to talk about a new game with a classic feel. That game is the much acclaimed Super Mario Maker. For the first time Nintendo takes the creator role to the gamer and let’s YOU decide the challenges that will face the Italian Plumber this time.

Michael talks about his experiences playing the game which makes Justin very jealous because he has yet to get the game. The Dudes also talk about the prospect of creating Dudes levels for the D-Padders to play.

Join the Super Mario Maker Facebook group HERE



Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

American Gladiators


This week the Dudes take on a game of epic proportions! That game is none other than American Gladiators which of course was based on the classic television hit from the 90’s.

Joining the Dudes is a brother Dude Matthew. Matthew and Michael go head to head in a history quiz game. Will Michael be able to keep his streak alive? Listen to find out. ‘

This game tended to fly under the radar for the NES but the Dudes are fond of this one, especially Michael who spent many childhood days playing against his brother in the ultimate test of video game athleticism.

Retrofitted Trophies

The Winslow Special – Lose the game

Steve Urkel Will be Impressed – Beat the eliminator

Blue Hair Don’t Care – Beat the game

Red Hair don’t stare – Lose at the game

Pit of Death – Knock one of the gladiators off of anything

Zakk Wylde Would be Impressed – Guitar twang after winning joust

Game Rating

Family Matters Character:






Shout Outs!

The Bard’s Tale


ANOTHER PATREON PICK! It is officially the attack of the Patreon picks and the dudes could not be happier about that either. This week however, Dude Justin is on the sidelines with a sick Dudette but never fear Dude Micheal is joined by Hon. Dude George for this week.

The game being played was a bit of a cult classic RPG The Bard’s Tale. The game has been received with mixed reviews and there are mixed reviews on the podcast (Spoiler alert).

The Bard’s tale can be a fun and enjoyable but very detailed game. So listen to this episode to hear what the Dudes have to say.

Retrofitted Trophies

Mario you greedy SOB

Another 300 Gold down the drain

Billboard Top 100

Platinum Record

You May Advance


Is That All You’ve Got

Gimme That Grammy

Game Rating

A song:

Spaceman by the Killers

Earned It by The Weekend

Behind The Scenes Look


Shout Outs!

Adventures of Dino Riki


This week the Dudes sit down to talk ANOTHER PATREON PICK! Did we mention that you all are awesome, yeah you, you are awesome. This week’s game is a pick by Dude Joe who chose Adventures of Dino Riki.

A lesser known title to grace the NES, Adventures of Dino Riki, is a difficult but fun addition to any D-padder’s collection. It is a game that plays a lot like other Hudson Soft makes like 1942 but features a caveman instead of a plane.

While this game is sure to cause some frustration (OK, maybe a lot) it is worth the pick up and the Dudes spend an enjoyable time discussing it.

Retrofitted Trophies

Dino A Go-Go: Get the turbo boots

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks: Defeat the t-rex

Dino-snore: Lose on the first level

Oh look a time travel machine: Beat stage one

Check my new invention: Kill all on screen enemies with fire

Wrong game dude: Kill snifit looking bad guy


Game Rating

Both Dudes give the same rating:

Dino from the Flintstones


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Drunken Slugs


Being Atari Man comes with little perks. Oh sure, seemingly everyone knows you, a rainbow follows you wherever you go, and you always seem to have enough tokens when you go to an arcade, but other than that, the rigors of being one of Retro Junkies most beloved scribes comes with little fanfare, as once you get some fresh air, see the rising of the sun, and have your breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast, you are once again whipped into submission by the likes of Michael Kelso, Aaron Hickman, and whoever happens to have a whip handy to remind you that those articles won’t write themselves, and something about denying you that autographed Crest 3D toothpaste carton promised to you by Papa Luther, but you can never be sure what you heard, because the door to your tiny office is closed once more and back you go to the grind of a blogger/journalist/Genesis loathing superhero. What is a man of your caliber of humor to do in such a situation? Why, find something cute to stare at for hours, of course!

Now keep in mind, dear reader, I am not someone who panders at cute puppies or has their heart melt when some other animal out in nature does something adorable. I am the kind of person who loves ugly things, things so ugly they’re cute in their vain attempt to look like a normal member of planet Earth, and these are not creatures limited to our real world, oh no, they also exist in video games, which is exemplified to the furthest extent by a member of the cast of enemies in the classic NES title, Ducktales.

What’s that you say? You know of no such cute and ugly creature? Well I’m afraid you’re not looking close enough, gamers, because underneath the greed and creepy Scottish accent of Scrooge McDuck, just to the left of the careless shenanigans of Huey, Dewey, and Louie lies a creature so adorably ugly, so heartwarmingly hideous that I can only thank the two people responsible for its birth in the video game world, the people at Capcom, and of course, Barney from The Simpsons, because, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, step right up and see just what Atari Man loves so much. I give you the Drunken Slug.

What’s that you say? You know of no such cute and ugly creature? Well I’m afraid you’re not looking close enough, gamers, because underneath the greed and creepy Scottish accent of Scrooge McDuck, just to the left of the careless shenanigans of Huey, Dewey, and Louie lies a creature so adorably ugly, so heartwarmingly hideous that I can only thank the two people responsible for its birth in the video game world, the people at Capcom, and of course, Barney from The Simpsons, because, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, step right up and see just what Atari Man loves so much. I give you the Drunken Slug.

Aww, don’t you just want to tickle him and pray he doesn’t get any Sam Adams Summer Ale induced vomit on your shoes?

Oh no, don’t try to deter me or squash my preconceived notions here, folks. Clearly this slug is drunk. Just look at those eyes, all googly and glazed over, the face contorted in this cute and yet highly intoxicated smile, and for crying out loud, he isn’t even wearing clothes! Why Capcom, Duckberg Police, or the NASS (National Association of Sober Slugs) hasn’t jumped all over this guy is beyond me. My assumption would be, like all forms of government and social services, the paperwork was lost somewhere or their computer systems are down.

Now look, it’s 2015, so surely we can look past the shortcomings of a guy who is just trying to live his life without having to look over his shoulder for things like pogo sticks, birds, and of course, large shakers of salt, but can we really turn a blind eye to someone in such trouble?

Why of course we can! Because if history has taught us anything it is that in the same way an old college friend was hilarious bumping into doors and falling on their face after having too much to drink, that’s the same way the Drunken Slug can be looked at, with a smile and a head shake of disbelief that like the kid who never got his Associate’s Degree because of falling into a recycling bin, we admire the courage of a drunken slug who is still trying to make a living. We also admire the fact he hasn’t puked on anyone’s shoes yet.

Maybe he slurs his words. Maybe he’ll never find clothes to wear and start a slug nudist colony. Maybe he’s even so drunk sometimes he thinks he’s a cow, but one thing that cannot be denied is that I love my buddy, the Drunken Slug, and it really is a shame that we live in a world where a bunch of crazy looking rabbits who could use some Ritalin to calm the hell down can get their own video game, but a guy with a hilarious substance abuse problem can’t. What is this world coming to, anyways?
Until then, the Drunken Slug will just crawl into Tapper’s and order himself a few rounds, to drown the sorrows of not being looked at as anything special by the general public. But I want you to know something, my alcoholic little friend, and it is important that you listen and listen close. Do slugs even have ears? Whatever.

There’s one man out there who loves you just the way you are, slurring your words and lack of equilibrium aside, and he thinks not only are you special, but you’re so adorable I’d rather watch a 3 minute video of you on Facebook before I see another tumbling panda bear any day of the week, and that man is me, Atari Man.

Don’t patronize me, panda.

So eat, drink, and be merry, my little friend. You’ve earned it. Just please, don’t “break the seal” all over my new carpet, I just had it shampooed.


About the author:

Atari Man is a 33-year-old video game small business owner, retro enthusiast, and writer. He’s a good guy, just don’t get trapped in an elevator with him if you don’t know who Ace Harding or the VTech World Wizard are.

Ghosts ‘N Goblins



Frustratingly difficult? Maybe. Fun? Depends on who you ask. Classic? For sure. Hold onto your underwear!

Ghosts ‘N Goblins has a storied history in the video game industry. Starting in the arcade and then later ported to the NES, this game is difficult yet fun. Want to know what the Dudes thought of it? Listen in.

The Dudes are really liking all of the Patreon Picks. This is another one. This one is from Mike Vito. Thanks to Mike for yet another Capcom game. We’ve really got a streak going.

Retrofitted Trophies

I Prefer David Lee Roth – Beat Astaroth

Vincent Price Would Be Impressed – Beat the game with no deaths

Thriller Night – Beat the game in under 30 min

Who’s the Big Man Now? – Kill 10 Big men

Albino Hulk – Kill first unicorn

Oh Yes They Call Him the Streak – Beat the level after getting hit by the first bad guy

Straight to Satan – Use level select to go straight to satan

King Arthur Most Certainly Would NOT Be Impressed – Lose to the first red devil

Game Rating

Type of Ghost

Patrick Swayze

Ghost Dad

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Mega Man 2



The Dudes sit down this week with Eric from the Factory Sealed Podcast to talk about one of the most NES games Mega Man 2. The Dudes spend some time early in the podcast talking with Eric and making some corrections to the Ducktales story that was pointed out by a D-Padder.

Eric is a Mega Man expert and that really shows throughout the episode. Not only does he know about Mega Man 2 but all Mega Man in general. The Dudes talk all things Mega Man 2 and really get into this game.

The Dudes really enjoyed playing this beloved game and certainly enjoyed talking about it. Hopefully, you will enjoy listening as well.

Retrofitted Trophies

Call me Barry Allen – Get through Quick Man stage without using Time Stop

Gear Head – Beat Metal man

Runnin’ on Fumes – Use no E tanks the entire game

Now that’s how you make an entrance – Jump into the Boss gate

Michael Trophy – Defeat Bubble Man

You’re not hard core – Kill all enemies with metal blades

Ain’t got no time for this – Skip heat man disappearing platform using item 2

Pea Shooter – Use only the mega buster

Taming the Dragonzord – beat the mega Dragon without getting hit


Game Rating

Type of Blade




Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!



Another Patreon Pick!? Not only is this another pick from our Patreon supporter Dude Shaun, but it’s also a widely loved game.

It’s a Capcom Disney game from the NES era. Do we really need to say anything else? Probably not, but we did sit down and discuss this game quite a bit in this latest episode.

Also, as is our latest style, we did a high score challenge. But… this time we had an awesome prize donated to us by Dude Shaun: A copy of the remastered version of Ducktales! Congratulations to Derek Fletchall for winning the prize!

If you want to participate in our future high score challenges or post a high score for any previous game we’ve covered, come join our High Scores!! Facebook Group.


Retrofitted Trophies

If It Floats, It’s a Witch – Beat the Transylvania boss

Fore! – Use your golf swing to get an object

A Prize In and Of Itself – Defeat the Yeti (A Sacred Beast)

I Feel Bad About This… Really – Kill 5 rabbits

Donald Would Be Impressed – Beat the game on hard

King ‘o the Ducks – Collect $10 million

Orkin Man on the Moon – Defeat the Moon Rat

Game Rating

Rich Person:

Justin – Elon Musk

Michael – Bill Gates

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

Mega Man


The Dudes may not have been on their A game when it came time to do the episode on Faxanadu but they attempt to redeem themselves this week as they review one of the more famous games for the NES. And redeem, the Dudes do, as they talk about this all time great.

Mega Man holds a spot in all NES fans’ hearts. As one of the first side scrolling shooters with graphics that were impressive for the NES, Mega Man has become one of the most beloved games in history. This also sparked one of the most successful gaming franchises of all time.

If you have been a 2 Dudes fan or just now finding them, this show is a must listen. Joining the Dudes this week is Rob Maher who designed a game that definitely has drawn influences from Mega Man.

Want to know more? Want to learn more about Mega Man or at least hear some Dudes talk about? Do yourself a favor and give this episode a listen.

Retrofitted Trophies

D-D-D-Do ya have it?! Guts! – Beat the Gutsman stage

Fire Proof – Beating Fireman without taking a hit

Ice Ice Baby – Beat Iceman stage and do running man in celebration

Training for the World’s Strongest Man – Beat a stage while holding a rock

Go work on the theory of relativity – Beat Dr. Wiley

If it wasn’t for this jaundice – Beat yellow cyclops

There can only be 1 – Beat copy cat Mega Man

Cut the cord – Beat Elecman with Cutman ability

Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed – Beat the game without taking a hit

Game Rating

Type of Menial Task:

Mike: Chopping and Hauling Wood

Justin: Hammering Nails

Rob: Cleaning the house


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!