Swamp Thing


Into the Green! The dudes find themselves in another world this week and with them are the guys from the Comic Nerds Unite Podcast. While in the Green the Dudes and Comic Nerds decide to play a little Swamp Thing for the NES and read some Swamp Thing comics. (Because what else would you do in a metaphysical swamp)

While in the Green the guys decide to record not one but two podcasts, so after listening to this episode, you should go over to the Comic Nerds Unite podcast and hear the Dudes there.

Swamp Thing Nerds Unite! The Dudes are invaded in the green by Marc and Tim of the Comic Nerds Unite podcast to talk about Swamp Thing.

Retrofitted Trophies

Don’t wipe boogers on the sofa – Beat level 1 without a swamp booger

Jump the Shark – Correctly jump over fish robot

Swamp Thing created by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson – Think about the 9 issues of Swamp Thing you read before playing while rocking your child to sleep

Ah, this polution – Get killed by a tin can

A Better NIght – Taking this game out and putting another game in

Don’t pollute – Put the game in the recycle bin

Game Rating

Swamp Booger Rating


Coming Soon!

Behind The Scenes Look

We did a sweet crossover with this episode! Check out Comic Nerds Unite!

Shout Outs!