Little Nemo: The Dream Master


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… huh? Oh, you woke us up. We were trying to play some Little Nemo: The Dream Master with Dude Jay.

As long as you’re here, why not take the time to listen to us talk about this wacky game from Capcom based on a really old comic strip (1905!). We hit up a few tangents, but basically stay on track this time.

Oh! And Michael blows through another worthy opponent in the “Justin’s Historical Tidbits and Trivia” Quiz Show!

Michael’s Quiz Record: 4 Wins – 2 Losses

Retrofitted Trophies

Oops, too soon – Jump on the animal before it’s ready

This is not the “Dave reads from Wikipedia” train – Beat the House of Toys level (a TADPOG reference, Jay says you are welcome Dave and Tyler)

Mega Man ain’t got nothing on me – Defeat the nightmare king using only charge shots

Haven’t we met before – Beat the same enemy 10 times

I got this in the bag – Beat the game without breaking a controller

Call child protective services – Watch the cutscenes between levels

Well, now I have no hair – Beat the game

Wannabe Mario – Get thrown into the spikes by the train

Finally, I’m out of the fungus – Beat the first level

Un-mentioned trophy – Watch the very end of the “Behind the Scenes” footage to hear it (WARNING: Very explicit)

Game Rating


Strawberry Hard Candy (Old People Candy)

Black licorice… no wait… Giant Jawbreaker

Milk Duds


Behind The Scenes Look (WARNING: Last 5 minutes contains explicit content)

Shout Outs!