Maniac Mansion


Certainly one of the more bizarre and beloved games the Dudes have discussed, is this 1987 Lucasfilms Games classic. Maniac Mansion was ported to the NES in 1990 with a few infamous changes.

The Dudes dive into the history of this game including the changes Nintendo forced upon the designers in order to get the game published (and one that made it through at first).

This game infuses comedy and B grade horror film themes in the game that the Dudes certainly appreciate and sure the listeners do as well.

While the game had an almost cult like following, not unlike a possible B grade horror inspiration to this game, Rocky Horror Picture Show, the game holds a place in the hearts of many retro gamers.

Happy Listening

Retrofitted Trophies

Scooby doo where are you – Get the meteor police ending

David Letterman would be impressed – Get the talk show ending

You are the father – Get the talk show ending

The cat from outer space – Get the meteor


Game Rating

Scooby Doo Character:

Justin: Shaggy

Michael: Several different characters, well pretty much the rest of them.


Shout Outs!