Defender of the Crown



Lots of Robin Hood talk, cat jokes, and call backs in this episode of 2 Dudes and a NES. Also, a little bit of talk about the NES game… Defender of the Crown.

The Dudes received a lot of feedback this week telling them how awesome the Amiga version of this game is. Well, get ready to be disappointed because this show is called 2 Dudes and a NES.

We’re kidding of course. Another great episode in the books even if this wasn’t the best port of the game.

Retrofitted Trophies

Kevin Costner Would Be Impressed – Use Robin Hood to beat the game

Don’t Blink – Win at jousting

Putin Rejoiced – When the red team conquers the map

Wooo Hooo – Win at the mace battle

Did you say Abe Lincoln? – Beat one of the mini games with your eyes closed

Holy Moly – Blow the biggest hole in the castle wall

Game Rating

Type of Robin Hood movie:

Michael – Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood

Justin – Russell Crowe’s Robin Hood

Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!