Tecmo Bowl


‘Tis the season… the football season. Football season is underway and the dudes can’t think of a better way to kickoff (get it?) this time of the year than with a discussion about Tecmo Bowl. Tecmo Bowl is hands down one of the greatest football games to ever come out on any system. Be sure and listen to the dudes gush about it for a solid 70 minute run time.

Well, they don’t talk about Tecmo Bowl the whole time actually. Pay close attention as Michael and Justin also talk a little bit about general football (a subject in which Michael is not well versed) and rental stores. They also talk about the adult section of said rental stores (Oh no! Family friendly tarnished again?). Near the end, the dudes discuss some general podcast news and friends south of the border, so stick around for the whole thing.

Apologies to any D-Padders hoping to hear from Paul “Sweet” of Retro Obscura as technical difficulties prevented him from being on the show for more than 10 seconds. Apologies to Paul too while we’re at it. Sometimes those darn computer thingies just don’t act right. Just listen to an episode or two of Michael and Justin’s old show “Retro Thought Pod” and you’ll know that these guys are prone to technical hiccups.

Technical issues aside, this might be one of the best episodes yet. A great game and plenty of humor sprinkled into several tangents. Hope you enjoy!

Retrofitted Trophies

Ditka – Beat the game with Chicago

Good Game, But No Super Bowl – Win a game as Miami

You Better Get a Bright Orange Vest – Score a safety.

Quit Being a Jerk and Take a Knee – Score 5 touchdowns in one game.

Game Rating

Wide Receiver Route:

Michael – Deep Post

Justin – Hail Mary!


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!