The Ten Count of Punchout!!


When someone got the fool notion that they wanted me to contribute something to this website, the very first retro-est memory that popped in to my head was Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out. For some people, the first video game they remember is Mario. For some, it’s The Legend of Zelda. Well, my first video game memory is of an underage[1], underweight[2], underdog out of the Bronx looking to make it big in the World Video Boxing Association (WVBA).

[1] Seriously, Little Mac is 17.

[2] 107 pounds! I’ve owned dogs bigger than that.

Why does this game stick out? It’s not like it had a memorable story (criminally undersized kid punches people?)[3]. The graphics were solid for the 8-bit era, but nothing spectacular. No, the most memorable thing about this game is the characters you spend hours jabbing and uppercutting. As any Batman fan will tell you, the rogues’ gallery is the place where your imagination runs wild. Punch-Out gives you just enough details (height, weight, catchphrases, and some between-round animations) about your in-game pugilist opponents that you can think up an entire back story for a boxer in one round. So let’s count it down –worst to first. How do the Punch-Out boxers stack up?

[3] Although this live-action Punch-Out video might make a better movie than 95% of the movies that have come out this year. What would it take to get this made? I’ll pony up money right now.


Mike Tyson: Forget the hassle of getting to him in the first place[4]. Also forget the out of the ring troubles Iron Mike found himself in within a few years of the game’s release. Stepping into the ring with Tyson, only to see Little Mac get dropped with an uppercut two seconds later could ruin your entire weekend. Not only that, for every five of your friends that claimed to have beaten him, four were definitely lying and the other probably punched a wall in the course of the fight. Mike, I know the game is named after you, but to make the list, I need more than a .02% chance of winning (or even landing more than two punches) first.

[4] Unless you entered a pass code on the title screen, you cheater.

Little Mac: Let’s face it: Little Mac wears a tank-top in the ring. That fact alone keeps him off the list. Plus, his trainer, Doc Louis, is possibly homicidal –if you could look Mac in the face after he’s gotten destroyed in a round and send him back out for more punishment with nothing more than advice to join the Nintendo Fan Club, you are either woefully underqualified to be a trainer or are a sociopath. Mac does have some good points –his vertical leap is astounding, he never backs down even when he’s outweighed by a solid 100 pounds or more, and he rode bikes before riding bikes got ruined by hipsters. All in all, Little Mac is solid, but doesn’t crack the list.

Number Ten

Great Tiger

The only boxer who makes fighting a chore. You can only throw one punch at a time until he goes into his magic whirly routine. Difficult? Not really, until you miss one block on spin-o-rama, your timing gets thrown off, and one of the easiest fights in the game turns into teeth grinding frustration. Great Tiger is like the free bread restaurants put on the table before meals. Yeah, it’s OK, but it’s not what you came for and is to be gotten through as quickly as possible so you can get to the good stuff. Put it this way –Great Tiger found a way to make magic boring. And he has a dead tiger in his corner. So, you know…animal abuse. Not cool.


Number Nine 
Super Macho Man
There’s a lot of problems here. Thanks to some odd sprite coloring, SMM has gray hair between rounds and black hair during the fight. Between rounds, he looks like an over-the-hill bodybuilder you would see on the beach wearing a too-small Speedo[5]. During the fight, SMM looks like a redneck backyard wrestler. In addition, he flexes his pecs at you. Think about that for a second. You’re a mullet-having, speedo-wearing, boxer named Super Macho Man. Your opponent is a seventeen year-old kid and you intimidate him by…pec-flexing? SMM may have taken one too many shots to the head. On a side note, you’re probably thinking the Super Spin Punch is awesome. You’re wrong. Any time you throw a punch so hard, you’ve turned yourself around in a boxing ring hokey-pokey, you have failed.


[5] Unfortunately, the too-small Speedo part holds true during the fight. Gross.

Number Eight
Von Kaiser
Von Kaiser is just sort of…there. On the plus side, he has a kickin’ ‘stache. Growing a magnificent mustache AND teaching boxing at a military academy? That’s serious dedication. On the minus side, Von Kaiser is 42. What sort of terrible life is he leading that he is not only forced to keep boxing, but has ended up only one step above Glass Joe? KO’ing Von Kaiser makes me feel guilty, like I should I be contemplating what my life has come to –beating up old dudes in some minor circuit boxing match. I need to take a long shower after this.



Number Seven
Glass Joe
This is the highest Glass Joe has probably been ranked in anything. I feel less guilty for this knock-out, since Glass Joe knows himself well enough to ask you to make it quick. A friend of mine tried to lose on purpose to Glass Joe. The only way he could make it work was by starting the match, then promptly leaving the room -even then, the fight went to the judges’ scorecards. However, Glass Joe was always good for a conversation with a friend –who in the world did he KO[6]? Did he land a lucky punch when the other guy wasn’t looking? Did Glass Joe’s opponent throw the fight, fulfilling a long-standing debt to the video game mafia? Was it a forfeit? The world may never know. Reading his bio and seeing that he is from Paris[7] just makes him that much funnier.


[6] Glass Joe’s record — 1-99 (1 KO)

[7] Aside from the all the cracks about French military prowess (or lack thereof), isn’t the fact that Von Kaiser, who is from Berlin, is ranked higher seem like a bit of an inside joke by the programmers?

Number Six
Don Flamenco
Admit it. If you played Punch-Out, you’ve probably stood up and did the Don Flamenco dance –the right arm in the air, one-legged hoppy dance[8]. Hey, I’m not judging you. We’ve all been there. Don Flamenco also made the biggest production of being knocked down –skidding backwards, he could easily twist and turn four or five times before hitting the canvas face first with a heavy thud. Don makes you think in the ring too. You’re crouched, just waiting to counter the special punch you just know is coming and….nothing. You drop your guard. Still nothing. And then this goofy tango dancer starts mocking you, with an 8-bit laugh. You get mad, throw a punch and he blocks and comes right back at you. Don has turned your own game, counter-punching, back on you –you have to counter-counter-punch. Whoa. Deep thoughts with Don Flamenco.


[8] If you included the rose in your teeth, you get a star.

Number Five
Piston Honda
Piston Honda is fierce, no doubt about it. He pulls himself up off the mat with resolve. If you don’t interrupt him, his Piston Punch will pack a wallop and almost certainly knock you down. He’s also got enough moxie to fight his way back in to contention, going from minor circuit champ to world circuit contender. I actually tried his hop around dance on my brother, but it was just about as successful as Piston Honda’s [9]. Piston seems a little star-struck, looking around for the Tokyo TV cameras, but all in all, he’s a tough fight.


[9] Which is to say, not.

Number Four

Soda Popinski
In the arcade version of this game, Soda Popinkski was originally Vodka Drunkenski. Let that sink in for a minute and imagine how better your life would have been if Vodka Drunkenski had been the name that appeared on your living room TV screen. Anyway. This new and improved NES version drinks from a never-ending green bottle generically labeled “pop” between rounds. Sure, Nintendo. I see right through your little game. With a head that looks like someone accidentally left a boulder of it inside while doing brain surgery and boxing gloves that may be loaded with rocks, Soda is one of the more difficult fights you’ll face. No special moves, just quick jabs and uppercuts. Unlike Great Tiger, however, this is never boring. Why? Soda is from Moscow [10]. That’s right, beating Soda Popinski is a victory for truth, justice, and the Bronx.


[10] He also appears pink/orange during the fight –poor pixel shading or subtle political commentary?

Number Three

Mr. Sandman
Mr. Sandman is easily the coolest fighter in the game. Great nickname? Check. Awesome special move [11]? Check. Snappy, yet bullying, catchphrases that make you grit your teeth when you lose, but are incredibly satisfying to throw back in Mr. Sandman’s face after putting him down for the count? Check. Also, major props to Nintendo for avoiding some of the cultural stereotypes/clichés that used for some of the other characters [12]. Thankfully, we don’t have to awkwardly explain why Mr. Sandman is cool while also talking around some sort of terrible racial slur. Of all of the boxers in the game, Mr. Sandman is the only one who seems like they could have been a contender in real life. A little cartoonish, sure, but he’s got Floyd Mayweather’s knack for self-promotion, Frazier’s uppercut, and Muhammad Ali’s cool. Who would protest if they made one more Rocky movie and Mr. Sandman was the bad guy? Nobody.


[11] Variously referred to as the Sand Blaster or the Dreamland Express –either of which is exactly what I would want my special boxing move called.

[12] Looking at you, Piston Honda.

Number Two

King Hippo
I honestly laughed out loud the first time I saw King Hippo. He’s the shape of a Butterball turkey and has a mouth big enough to fit a basketball. He’s wearing a crown in his corner, for crying out loud. How old is he? How much does he weigh? Who knows? The game certainly won’t tell you. I’m pretty sure he got to be king by eating all of the other claimants to the throne. Land a jab and his shorts fall down. The king is obviously a comedy break between fights. Knock him down once and he stumbles backwards into the ropes, not to get up until referee Mario requisitions a crane from a nearby construction company.



Number One

Bald Bull
I ranked Bald Bull number one because I am quite frankly terrified that, if I had not, he would show up at my house and knocked my block off. Bald Bull weighs 298 pounds. Little Mac, the 100 pound guy in a tank-top is expected to fight a giant that escaped from a Turkish prison. When Bald Bull unleashes and connects on his bull charge [13], I am always half-convinced that I’ll see Little Mac go flying out of the ring and land in a heap in the third row. When you knock him down, he stumbles and hits the mat with a thud as loud as your drunk uncle at a Christmas party. Just when Mario counts nine and you’re convinced he’s out, done, finished, Bald Bull hauls himself off the canvas, shoots you a contemptuous look over his shoulder and comes back to introduce you to his right fist. Bald Bull still gives me nightmares and I’m 28 years old. Imagine the terror he wreaked on unsuspecting eight year olds in the early nineties.


[13] He throws an uppercut that starts from the floor. THE FLOOR. Imagine a defensive lineman putting his entire weight into one enormous uppercut and you’ve got some idea of what we’re talking about.

-Honorary Dude John

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Power Punch II


This week the dudes discuss a famous boxing game. However, this game is more famous for what is was not rather than for what it was.

Power Punch II was to be a follow up to the famous Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. However, due to some legal troubles, discussed in the show, Nintendo pulled the plug on using Mike Tyson. Nintendo also outsourced the game leading to poor quality from a company that understood cricket more than the sweet science.

This week’s episode has a little of everything being that this game does no have much to offer. We hope you enjoy and are not grossed out too much.


Retrofitted Trophies

Tyson Who? – Beat the game

I’m like butter baby – Slide back and forth

P-p-p-p-power punch – Use your uppercut

Game Rating

A horrific story


Behind The Scenes Look

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • Video Provided by Underrated Retro
  • Announcement’s for this week’s segments by Doug from Talking About My Generation Podcast!
  • Find us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+, and Podomatic!

Mario’s Top 5 Jobs


There is no other character that signifies Nintendo than Mario. Mario has been the signature character (Hero) for the company from the early days. However, throughout that time, Mario has worn many hats, as one might say. He has carried many different jobs, and his success varies from job to job.

This week, in the 25th installment (hold your applause please) of 2 Dudes and a NES, the Dudes take a break from the game by game style to talk about the top five jobs held by the beloved Mario. The Dudes talk a little history of the creation of Mario as well as some of the roles (acting?) that Mario has taken over the years.

We can only imagine where the NES would be without the Italian plumber/doctor/demolition worker/too many other things to list. But we know Nintendo would certainly not be the same without him.

Happy Listening

Shout Outs!

Cobra Triangle



The Dudes sit down to talk about a more known Rare title this week in Cobra Triangle. The Dudes also have a special guest in this week’s show, Michael’s younger brother Matthew.

Cobra Triangle is an isometric (Justin now knows what that means in video game talk) action boat game. This game features many different courses that give the gamer many challenging tasks as well as some obscure ones.

Conra Triangle is a classic that the Dudes enjoy playing and discussing. Stick around for the end of the show and the Dudes even discuss the new disney show Girl Meets World.

Happy listening!

Retrofitted Trophies

Hasselhoff eat your heart out – save all people
Bo knows boating – zig zag the mines to destination
Riverboat gambling trip – collect the most pods
Tom Arnold look at these pods – collect all the pods

Game Rating

Body of Water:

Mike: Child made moat
Matt: Side of the road gutter
Justin: Loch Ness lake


Shout Outs!




Through the years many video games have been inspired by board games. However what about a board game solely created for a video game system? Leave it to the guys at Rare to be innovative and bring the board game to the NES, but they went a step further with the creation of Anticipation “Nintendo’s first video board game.”

The Dudes sit down to talk about Anticipation this week a little. We must say a little because there is plenty of tangent talking in this episode. But how can you blame the Dudes? I mean, talk for an hour about just anticipation? Impossible.

After starting off on a bad foot due to a lame joke made by Justin and Michael deservedly giving him the silent treatment for it, the Dudes get right to the heart of Anticipation, board games, ridiculous reviews and much more.

While this is a lesser known NES title that you may not have experience with, the Dudes put on a great show for the listeners.

Thanks for listening.


Retrofitted Trophies

These heels are going to walk all over you – Beat the game as the high heels

Skynet take over – Beat the game over 3 computers on very hard

Game Rating

Candy land (Justin)
Life (Michael)


Shout Outs!

Wrecking Crew



This week the Dudes dive into a Nintendo black box classic in Wrecking Crew. Brought to the NES by the famous Nintendo R&D1 crew, Wrecking crew brought an old school arcade feel directly into the living rooms of many.

Wrecking Crew is one of the earliest games that Mario, Luigi and perhaps Wario make an appearance. The Dudes speculate that there was either a furlough in the plumbers’ union or a strike that lead to the need for Mario and Luigi to explore the field of demolition. Despite the career turn for the Italian plumbers, Wrecking Crew makes for an entertaining play.

The Dudes enjoy this early Nintendo classic and hope you do as well. This was a fun podcast for the Dudes and hope the fun continues in your ears!

Retrofitted Trophies

The Codeman Trophy – Beat the game

Stick to Plumbing – Cover yourself with a drum

Its A Me Luigi – Beat the game as Luigi

I’ve Got a Golden Hammer – Get the golden hammer

Game Rating

Justin: Circular Saw

Michael: Fork Lift


Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • Video Provided by Underrated Retro
  • Announcement’s for this week’s segments by the “Grab Baggists” at Hunnic Outcast Podcast
  • Find us on FacebookTwitterGoogle+, and Podomatic!

Bucky O’Hare




This week the Dudes sit down to talk some Bucky O’Hare. Made from the slightly darker comic book series and early 90’s television show, Konami released this NES classic that came to be popular due to it’s many levels and Mega Man-esque fun.

The Dudes discuss their favorite planets, characters and bosses from this classic and currently valuable NES game.

The Dudes as usual go on to discuss several tangents including nomenclature for male and female rabbits, type of rabbits and how the name Bucky O’Hare relates.

If you are a fan of the short lived early 90’s television show or only came across this character through the classic NES game you will enjoy this week’s edition of 2 Dudes and a NES.

Retrofitted Trophies

Jenny was a friend of mine –Rescue Jenny

Silly kids, video games are for rabbits – Beating the game only using Bucky O’Hare (Unless you MUST use another character’s abitlity)

By our powers combined – Play with each character at least once

Deadeye – Beat the game wearing a red eye patch

Ice Ice baby – Lose all lives on blue planet

Game Rating

Bunny peep (Justin)

Caramel filled chocolate bunny (Michael)


Shout Outs!

Maniac Mansion


Certainly one of the more bizarre and beloved games the Dudes have discussed, is this 1987 Lucasfilms Games classic. Maniac Mansion was ported to the NES in 1990 with a few infamous changes.

The Dudes dive into the history of this game including the changes Nintendo forced upon the designers in order to get the game published (and one that made it through at first).

This game infuses comedy and B grade horror film themes in the game that the Dudes certainly appreciate and sure the listeners do as well.

While the game had an almost cult like following, not unlike a possible B grade horror inspiration to this game, Rocky Horror Picture Show, the game holds a place in the hearts of many retro gamers.

Happy Listening

Retrofitted Trophies

Scooby doo where are you – Get the meteor police ending

David Letterman would be impressed – Get the talk show ending

You are the father – Get the talk show ending

The cat from outer space – Get the meteor


Game Rating

Scooby Doo Character:

Justin: Shaggy

Michael: Several different characters, well pretty much the rest of them.


Shout Outs!

Bad Dudes


Are the Dudes bad enough Dudes to talk about a game featuring a couple of Bad Dudes? You Bet!!

This week the Dudes talk about the quintessential 80’s game Bad Dudes. And they promise to not make too many burger references.

While the game Bad Dudes may not win an awards for being one of the best games of all time, it holds a special place in the hearts of those remember the glory days of the 80’s. Really there is nothing more 80’s than a couple bad dudes in sleeveless shirts kicking some ninja tail to save the President of the United States. Plus, who wouldnt answer this call of duty?! Certainly not a couple of bad dudes.

The NES Dudes really had a great time discussing Bad Dudes. We hope you will as well.

Retrofitted Trophies


Adamantium rage – Get stuck on Super Warrior on Stage 2

Robocop? –  Beat Stage 3 boss

Attack of the bionic commando – Beat Stage 5

Hobotastic- Hitch a ride on a truck and train


Where’s my moon pie? – Get all the colas on any level

Game Rating

80’s Action Movie:

Michael: Cliffhanger

Justin: Rocky IV

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by: The one and only Rob Luther from Turtle Flakes!

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Short Order/Eggsplode!




The Dudes not only talk about TWO games this week but also throw in an accessory as well. Well, the game was technically two games in one cart but hey it’s all the same, right?

The Power Pad is quite possibly the most under utilized accessory for the NES. While the premise of the Power Pad was awesome and worked great there were not a lot of games that were developed for it. The Dudes discuss this justice to the much cooler Grandfather to the Dance Dance Revolution pad.

power pad

One of the few games that was developed for the Power Pad was the combo arcade style games from the only company to develop such a game outside of Bandai, Tose (Not Toast). This game was a lot of fun and served as a great party game.

This was a fun play and talk for the Dudes and we hope you enjoy it as well.

Retrofitted Trophies

Power Pad:

(Justin) Nintendo would be impressed – Losing 10 pounds playing with a Power Pad

Short Order:

(Justin) I got 99 problems but a burger ain’t one – Stack a burger up to 99 layers

(Michael) Toe Jam and Earl – Screw up making the first burger


(Justin) Time for scrambled eggs – Lose at the game (blow up 2 eggs)

(Michael) Sly Mr. Fox – Letting the chicken die

(Michale) Chicken Butt – Save 50 chickens

Game Rating

For Short Order Type of Burger:

Michael: Quarter Pounder with Cheese

Justin: Big Mac

For Power Pad Type of :

Michael: Jazzercise

Justin: Tae Bo

For Eggsplode Type of Eggs:

Michael: Scrambled with Peppers

Justin: Over Easy

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by: Ferg from the Atari 2600 Podcast. Check it out!

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Deadly Towers



When the Dudes said they intended on playing the good, the bad and the ugly on the NES, they were not kidding. This game comes from the gallows of the bad game repertoire.

Deadly Towers was brought to the NES from Japan by the company made more famous by their edutainment games, Broderbund. Perhaps they should have stuck to what they did best. As an action adventure game this one just did not stand up to the quality of other games of the times like Zelda and Wizards and Warriors.

While the Dudes may not have preferred this game to the many other great games that the NES has to offer, they had a great time discussing it.

Happy listening.

Retrofitted Trophies

Provided by Jay Jorgenson this week:

1.Star Wars didn’t last this long: read the entire back story at the beginning of the game.

2. Ludder shock: collect 1000 ludder, whatever that means.

3. Bleeding ears: download the background music to your iPod and listen to it for an hour straight

4. Bad idea: intentionally jump off a ledge until game over, because the hero hates himself

Justin: Dunce Cap Trophy: To those who beat this terrible game


Game Rating

Type of Dog Turd

Michael: Turds with string in them (MESSY AND AWFUL!)

Justin: Hot Steaming Pile on a Snow Filled Yard


Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by: Dub from the Retro Obscura Podcast. Check them out: HERE

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Raid on Bungeling Bay



Man, that box art sure is creepy……

The dudes reach into obscurity this week to pull out a little known or talked about game out of the NES vault. While most, (sans one sporting a ginger colored beard that may be awesome) have not heard of this game, the dudes hope to bring it into your NES experience.

The game has an awesome premise, being that you are a lone fighter against an empire that is trying to build up and take over the world. Oh, and these folks happen to go by the name bungeling…… whatever that means.

The dudes had a great time playing and reviewing this game. While the game itself might not have seen a lot of fame,the game franchise that was formed from the creator, in part inspired by the creation of this game, was one of the most popular gaming franchises of all time. The dudes hope you enjoy listening to this episode and maybe you become inspired to play this little known title.

Retrofitted Trophies

Those Bumbling Bungelings: Beat the game without losing any helicopters

Shark Food: Making the Bungelings shark food by shooting the boats (Justin is embarrassed about this pathetic trophy)

Game Rating

Type of Helicopter

Michael: Apache

Justin: V-22 Osprey

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy (Who is now an honorary dude: The Wii Dude). Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Aaron Hickman from the Retro Obscura Podcast Check them out HERE

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Download the Raid On Bungeling Bay Podcast!



Jaws… the one NES game that has consumed more of the dudes’ collective time than any other game. Why didn’t they spend their wonder years playing co-op Contra? Why didn’t they compete in some intense high score competitions with Donkey Kong? Who knows. Maybe if they knew what they were doing they would have spent less time on it.

However, Jaws holds a place in the dudes’ legacy whether it is a good game or not. Be sure and listen to this week’s episode as Justin and Michael discuss their praises and complaints with Jaws.

Also, be sure and stick around as they try and defend themselves against a 2-star review on iTunes, talk Facebook feedback, and reveal the winners of the review contest.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “The Crocodile Hunter” – Get killed by a stingray
  • “The Conch Exchange” – Collect 20 conch shells
  • “James Cameron Would Be Impressed” – Get the submarine
  • “Christopher Cross” – Sail for 3 minutes without “hitting something”
  • “Why?!” – Fail to stab Jaws 5 times
  • “I Can’t Beat You, But I’ll Punch Your Kid” – Defeat Baby Jaws in front of Jaws.

Game Rating  Scuba gear!! A snorkel for surface fun and a wet suit that takes knowledge to put on.

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Tyler and Dave of TADPOG fame! Check it HERE

Download the Jaws Podcast!

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Hold on the dudes are pumping some iron getting ready to bust out of their shirts to talk about the quintessential ’80′s game Contra.

Joining the dudes to talk about one of the most famous and loved games for the NES is Nick Stephens from the NES Podcast on the Retro Junkies Network. Nick was chomping at the bit to talk about this game mainly because he is a dude proclaimed expert for Contra.(I mean he beat it without the Contra Code for crying out loud)

The dudes talk about all things Contra in this bandana wearing, shirtless run and gun episode of 2 Dudes and a NES. We hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did recording it.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • Aquaphobia: Beating the 1st level without touching the water
  • Find a Bridge and Get Over It: Make it across both exploding bridges in the jungle
  • Flip Out: Make it through the first level by just flipping
  • Last Action Hero: Finish the game with only one life left
  • Take a Coloring Book and Sit In the Corner: When you can’t beat Contra with the 30 lives code
  • Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed: Awarded to Nick Stephens for beating the game in 30 minutes the previous evening
  • Don’t Whiz on the Electric Fence: Get electrocuted in the first stage
  • Nick Stephens: You win Nick!!! Beat Contra with 30 lives code and no continues
  • Nick Stephens Try This On For Size: Beat the game without the contra code or any power up

Game Rating

Rating of Action Hero!!

Michael: Die Hard John McClane

Nick: Arnold in Terminator 2

Justin: Dalton from Roadhouse

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Atari Man!! Check out his store HERE

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The Dudes were delighted this week to have yet another real life guest on our show! They talk about one of the best NES games to come out on the system… Metroid!

This one was requested by a listener, but the Dudes have been itching to talk about it since the inception of this show. Metroid has one of the most storied histories of all the NES games. Plus, it’s a whole lot of fun to play. The music is so creepy that some might call it a survivor horror game. Inspired by Alien, it is easy to see some of the similarities between them.

Metroid is an incredible game that set the standard for a lot of games to follow it. It makes you wonder why so few Metroid games have been made while Samus is such a loved character. Guess absence really does make the heart grow fonder. Anyway, enjoy this episode. We know the Dudes did!

Retrofitted Trophies

  • Varia Nice” – Obtain Varia Suit
  • Suffragette” – Beat the game in under 5 hours to reveal that Samus is a girl
  • Woolly Worm Wannabe” – Get the morph ball
  • Samus the Hedgehog” – Get the screw attack
  • Justin Time” – Beat the game in under 3 hours to reveal Samus in a bathing suit
  • Misses Boombastic” – Defeat a mini boss using only bombs.
  • “Through the Glass Ceiling” – Find out Samus is a girl and break through that glass ceiling.

Game Rating

Three well placed bathing suits. A Speedo, a two piece, and a one piece. Unfortunately, no string bikini… this time.

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Nick of The Retro Junkies and the Nineties Entertainment Show! Check it HERE
  • Check out Matt’s team Graphite Lab and their game Hive Jump HERE!

Download the Metroid Podcast!

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A Boy and His Blob


The 2 Dudes really out do themselves on this one. They actually have a real live guest who is very accommodating, unlike that nutty Mario. David Crane sits down with the Dudes for an exclusive interview about his days as a video game programmer in the early days and his experience creating and designing A Boy and His Blob. If you listen to any 2 Dudes show, this would be the one to catch. But you should pr0bably listen to all of them.

After the interview with David Crane the 2 Dudes try to salvage a show, but due to the excitement get a little side tracked at times. The Dudes also award themselves a pretty prestigious award for a great podcast.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Best podcast about A Boy and His Blob. (Winner: 2 Dudes and a NES)
  • “Putin Rejoiced” – Force the blob to eat a ketchup jelly bean.

Game Rating

10/10! Well, two favorite jelly beans out of two choices of jelly beans.

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Rob of The Retro Junkies! Check it HERE

Download the A Boy and His Blob Podcast!

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Kabuki Quantum Fighter


This looks like a weird game. And what is a kabuki anyway?

Join the 2 Dudes as they discuss by far the weirdest game to be discussed on the show. If you like futuristic games where ancient Japanese dance art is a vital component to success, you will like this game. Plus how many games can you use hair as a weapon?

Despite an interruption by a surprise guest the 2 Dudes discuss the awesome and down right hilarious parts of this game and go off on several tangents in the process. (Ahem….Justin) From the graphics, design and certainly original story, the Dudes discuss it all. Plus toward the end they tease about a special project that is in the works in the laboratory of the 2 dudes.

In a show that both Dudes feel may be their best yet, you will find plenty of laughs, information and down right fun. Listen and Enjoy

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the high score. (Winner: Michael with 25,950)
  • “Mane Man” – Use only your hair as a weapon.
  • “Quantum Leap” – Make it through the first stage without touching any spikes.

Game Rating

Dances for the ages… the Worm and the Robot

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
    • Except for the outro music which is “Kicks” by Sycamore Drive. Find it HERE
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Ferg of The Atari 2600 Game by Game Podcast! Check it HERE

Download the Kabuki Quantum Fighter Podcast!

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Metal Gear


Be sneaky… very very sneaky…

The dudes try and sneak into your subconscious and talk about some Metal Gear this week. If you’re listening via ear buds, you better watch out.

Metal Gear is a very unique experience on the NES. There isn’t another game on the system quite like it. Does that mean that it’s amazing and one of the best games to ever grace the system? Vladimir Putin might say yes, but the dudes… well they might think otherwise. Listen to find out what the NES dudes think about this game and why they are making references to Vladimir Putin in addition to Tom Arnold.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the high score. (Winner: No one.)
  • “Michael Vick” – Punch 5 dogs.
  • “Hitchhiker” – Continuously ride in the trucks.
  • “PETA” – Punch all the dogs.
  • “Miss Step” – Fall into the bottomless pit in the first base.

Game Rating

Two very sneaky snakes… the Copperhead and the Sand Boa

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:

Download the Metal Gear Podcast!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Wow….. what a ride!

Just came back from dimension X where we had a great time talking to two other dudes. Those Turtle Flakes guys really know how to have a good time.

NES Dudes - Turtle Flakes Mashup

While hanging in the balance of Dimension X, we decided to spend some time talking about the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and who else is better to talk to about this game than a couple of dudes who pride themselves on turtleology. While TMNT certainly added some frustrating times during our childhood, it added many enjoyable times (except the child labor some had to endure to get the game).

Overall the game is a great play that while sometimes criticized is well remembered and accepted by many in the gaming community.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the High Score (Winner: Rob Luther).
  • “Can’t Touch This” – Kill Rocksteady by using Donatello on top of the boxes.
  • “Pizza Pizza: – Exit sewers and come back in order to get a new pizza.
  • “Sais Matters Not” – Use Raphael to defeat a boss.
  • “Splinter’s Words of Wisdom” – Hear all of Splinter’s start menu speech.
  • “Overly Supportive Side Character” – April
  • “Seaweed Sucker” – Lowest score. (Winner/Loser?: Justin Harrell).
  • “Sai (Sigh)” – Beat the game.
  • “Turtle Pancakes” – Get run over by the tank.

Game Rating

Four pizzas! One extra spicy sausage, one extra cheese, one deep dish pepperoni, and one Hawaiian.

Shout Outs!

  • Super special thanks to the Turtle Flakes guys for joining us.
  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Kyle Murphy of Insert Coin Show! Check it HERE

Download the TMNT Podcast!

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Wizards and Warriors


The moment you hit the power button, Wizards and Warriors’ epic score lets you know exactly what this game is all about. Knights… magic… swords… demons… gems… gigantic hollow trees…exploding eggs… alarm clocks? Yes, David Wise really knows how to score a game and Rare really knew how to develop them.

That’s right. Rare. The same Rare that many of you listeners will remember from the likes of Goldeneye 64, Battletoads, Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong Country, or Conker’s Bad Fur Day! The list of awesome Rare developed games goes on and on. Whole podcasts have been dedicated to them. The game at hand here, however, is Wizards and Warriors. Did Rare hit another home run?

WARNING: Contents of this episode may contain Fabio.

Retrofitted Trophies

  • “Tom Arnold Would Be Impressed” – Get the High Score
  • “Canopy Kuros (Kanopy Kuros)” – Run on the tops of the trees in the first level
  • “Plinko Master” – Collect all the chests while falling down the giant bottomless (almost) pit tree.

Game Rating

Two mace. Two maces? Two meece? Two mice? (What’s the plural of mace?)

Shout Outs!

  • Sweet tuneage provided by The Wii Guy. Check him out HERE 
  • This week’s rad segment intros provided by:
    • Rob McCallum of The NES Club Documentary! Check it HERE

Download the Wizards and Warriors Podcast!

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